20 on Tuesday: Desiree Hayes!

boudoir:  is a lady’s private bedroom, sitting room or dressing room.

Boudoir Photography is hot right now.  And my favorite boudoir photographer is the amazing Desiree Hayes. She celebrates  the beauty of women of all shapes and sizes tastefully and beautifully.  Although I don’t shoot boudoir myself, I share the belief that all women should have the opportunity to feel as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside.  I’m often drawn to photographers who specialize in things that I don’t photograph myself.  Desiree is no exception.  She is incredibly honest and generous in her knowledge and incredibly funny. I was thrilled when she was up to the 20 on Tuesday task because I’m fascinated by what she does.  (And because she is wickedly sarcastic on top of it!)  Without further ado:

Hi Desiree,

Photography by Krissy Alori
Where are you from?
I moved a lot when I was in elementary school but mostly grew up in Stanwood, Washington.
Where is home now?
Southern California
Are you formally educated or self-taught in photography?
What made you decide to specialize in boudoir?
My sister in law had me do some for her and I LOVED it.
How long does your typical  session last?
One hour-ish
Have you had your own boudoir portraits done?
I have, by Denise Kramer. It was really fun.  I’ve done a couple self timer couple ones of my husband and I too.  They hang on the wall in our bedroom and master bath.  LOL
What is your favorite way of making your clients feel comfortable during a session?
I try to make them laugh to break the ice.  A little booze never hurt either (champagne. LOL!)
I would imagine there are far more women that want to do a boudoir session that actually do because they don’t feel that they have the “perfect” body.  What would you say to those women?
I just show them my horrid stretchmarks and floppy mom gut. They say “oh wow.” Nobody cares after that. I’m serious. HAHA I used to be pretty big so when I lost it all, I got this stomach from hell.  I think too because I spent a lot of my life as a “fat girl” I have “fat girl” personality. I don’t think anyone ever feels like I am judging their body.  At least I hope they don’t because I am NOT.
What’s the most memorable reaction you’ve gotten from a client after seeing their images?
I once had a husband email me to say thank you because his wife  finally saw herself as beautiful the same as he saw her all those years anyways.  I was thinking “AWWWW!”
Name a photographer you would like to take a portrait of?
You know this is funny because over 50% of my clients ARE photographers. I think I have seen a lot of them naked already.  😉
What’s in your camera bag?
5DII + 35L (and backup crap that I rarely use.)
When you’re not photographing, where can we find you?
It’s a recession so lately, at home playing Super Mario with my hubby and kids. I can kick all their butts. Prior to that, probably at Happy Hour having a margarita. LOL
If not a photographer what would you have been?
A midwife.   I still look occasionally look at the courses @ Seattle Midwifery.  I went to doula training there in 2001 and thought it would be awesome to get into their midwifery program.
If you could live anywhere on this awesome planet where would you build your dream home?
I HATE the cold so it would have to be somewhere warm.  I love North Shore Oahu, maybe there……
What talent would you most like to have?
I wish I could dance.  You should see me at Zumba, I look like a newborn colt that is learning how to walk. I still go because it’s fun but I’m always hoping no one I know sees me.
What are the three words your spouse would use to describe you?
I just asked him and his exact words were “horny, loud, and stubborn.” I would have said “stubborn, horny, and spontaneous” if I didn’t ask him.
Something that is over rated…
it’s a toss up between shopping and jewelry
Your favorite movie of all time?
Mermaids, the one with Cher.
If you could change one thing you did while starting your photography business, what would it be?
Figure out the numbers.  I was eating money for so long by not even knowing my “break even” point. It’s sets you back A LOT.
Name one blog you stalk regularly.
Desiree’s work can be found HERE.
Thank you Des!!!

14 thoughts on “20 on Tuesday: Desiree Hayes!”

  1. Great interview! Des is an awesome person and photographer. I am glad to know her and I agree that EVERY woman should get a boudoir session done and if you can do it with Des then consider yourself a very fortunate person.

  2. Fantastic interview!! Love the “newborn baby colt”! I love boudoir photography and really enjoyed reading this interview. =)

  3. Brilliant idea to interview her Wendy!!

    Des, you are amazing. Love your work and your down-to-Earth-hilarious personality. See you soon!!

  4. Pingback: Desiree Hayes Photography » one more week + random fun stuff

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