20 on Tuesday | [FRAMED]

I’ve got a little secret…. (promise not to tell)…

There’s this amazing show on Youtube…. All about photographers from all over the world…

It’s funny and smart and entertaining and full of so so so much talent…

There’s a new episode every Tuesday…

But no one else knows about it….but me…and now you….

SERIOUSLY????   You already watch it and love it?!!  Along with every photographer that you know?!!

It’s true.  I discovered The [FRAMED] Show just two short weeks after it was launched and  I knew I’d stumbled onto a pot of gold.  [FRAMED] is a 15 minute weekly show that showcases the immense and diverse talent in our industry.  I sat with my laptop and absorbed all the goodness of each episode.  Tuesday couldn’t come soon enough for me.  I really wanted to keep this “secret” to myself (as if) but every week more and more people are discovering The Framed Show.  I can no longer deny its firestorm of popularity so I decided to do what my own kids sometimes have a hard time doing… I’m sharing.  🙂

With so many photographers flooding the industry and so much talent out there to be seen, this show has come at the perfect time.  I know it’s true in my own tight circle of photographer friends, and it’s probably true in yours, that we tend to follow and talk about the “trendy” artists, the “popular” photographers in the cyber world and we don’t necessarily break the cycle to discover all the varying talent that might not get the same exposure but who are remarkable in what they do.  This show brings those talents to our home every Tuesday.

I am so thrilled that the wonderful people over at FRAMED took the time to answer my questions and share some images with us.  I’m over the moon to introduce (or reintroduce) you to The FRAMED Show!


Who is the brainchild(ren) behind [FRAMED] and how did this venture come about?

Who are the brainchildren? A group of five crazy artists. Layne and Dave Boyle, Randy Rouse, and Melissa and Philip Niu. After hours of meetings, we came to a conclusion. We decided to provide a platform to show viewers the crazy amount of talent that is roaming the photography world and allow those artists to teach and inspire, and simply put, to give back to the photography community.
What need are you hoping to fulfill with your show?

Many artists follow the “trendy” photographers. We decided to open aspiring photographers’ eyes to many different genres of photographers with many different styles. And most importantly, allow photographers to share, inspire, and give back to their fellow artists.

How did your charming host, Melissa Niu, join the team?

See question 1. 🙂
What is the process for choosing what talent you will feature from week to week?

At the beginning, we looked for talent in each area we visited who were unique. Now, we receive many emails from photographers all over the world. We still examine their work and put them through internal screening processes and decide how they could best be influential to our beloved viewers. We want more than anything to validate the artist’s talent, but also, show to our viewers that each of them are unique and set themselves apart from others.
I love how you have a glossary of terms on your website. What level of photographer are you targeting with [FRAMED]?

We want to target every level of photographer. Every photographer, no matter what skill level they are at, can always learn more and can always be inspired.
Talk to me about co-hosts. Why a co-host?

[FRAMED] wants to have as many people involved as possible. Having co-hosts on the show gives someone the opportunity to share their work as well as come along for a filming and watch first hand a photographer they admire.
What’s the process if someone wants to be a co-host on [FRAMED]?

It’s simple….http://www.framedshow.com/?p=65
[FRAMED] has been live for a few months now. How successful has it been so far?

It’s been incredible. We simply started this first season as a “pilot” or a “test”, and we can’t keep up with the feedback, love, and support. We truly cannot wait to share with you the exciting things that are soon to come with future seasons.
Your segments are always 15 minutes in length. Why? And do you have plans to do longer features in the future? (I dare you to say that 5 times fast!)

Since [FRAMED] is a Youtube show, their limit for now is 15 minutes.
How many individuals are on the [FRAMED] team?

The team of five has now turned into a team of over 20. The business side, vendor relations, editing crews, marketing, film crews, graphic artists, sound men, host, PR, etc.

How many hours go into one entire [FRAMED] episode from start to finish?

Oh wow, each one is so different…depending on how many hours we film on location. But the editing and post production guys are incredible and usually go sleepless nights to get the show to you every Tuesday.
Who funds [FRAMED]?

[FRAMED] is privately owned and funded.
I love how you do giveaways and contests along with each episode. Have you had a good response from industry vendors?

Absolutely. Every vendor we’ve worked with has just been fantastic. Again, exciting things to come.
The photography community has grown incredibly in the last several years. Do you think this growth will continue? What changes do you predict in the next several years?

You’re right, photography has grown rapidly, and we see it continuing to grow. Styles will change, trends will change, but artists are artists. And the need to cultivate that “artistic” side will always be around for photographers.

The photographers that you’ve featured so far have all been unique, each with their own style. Do you think it’s more important to specialize in one area and become amazing in that one thing, or to be good at shooting everything?

That’s a great question. We’ve had some very successful photographers who have had success specializing, and others who enjoy doing as many different styles as possible. So to answer your question…to each their own. 🙂
I have been intrigued by each episode so far, but is there one in particular that has received the most feedback from viewers?

Because our viewers demographics are so widespread, each demographic definitely has its favorite episode.

What is the funniest thing that has happened on set?

Oh man, where to begin. We could make an episode of just bloopers from the craziest moments on set. Hmmm, maybe we’ll do that for ya.
What is the biggest obstacle [FRAMED] has run into so far?

Deciding where to go and who to feature! Because there is SO much talent out there!
When and how and where can viewers watch new episodes of [FRAMED]?

Every Tuesday, a new episode is posted on www.framedshow.com. You can also watch it on our YouTube Channel, www.youtube.com/framedshow. We always keep viewers updated on facebook.com/framedshow along with twitter.com/framedshow.
What is the best way that the photography community can support your show?

Spread the love. The success of [FRAMED] comes from the loyalty of viewers. We’ve grown because of the amazing feedback and constant love from the viewers. If you want to see something, tell us. If you liked this or liked that, tell us. If you appreciate the work that is put into it, tell your fans. Get involved. After all, this show is all for you.

12 thoughts on “20 on Tuesday | [FRAMED]”

  1. Brilliant Wendy, absolutely Brilliant. Love [FRAMED] so very much and each photographer they have featured so far has just been beyond inspirational… they are a fabulous addition to the industry… (as are you my friend)

  2. So great Wendy!!! I <3 <3 <3 Framed! such great inspiration and certainly something for us all to strive for in our work. i love the variety they highlight and wow – aren't there some amazing photogs out there?!! great highlight.

  3. Love love love [FRAME] and this interview couldn’t be better! Love how inspired I get every Tuesday by first reading your interviews & then watching the [FRAMED] show. This is just so perfect! Thanks for bringing such amazing talents every week (This goes for both).

  4. Dare I say that I have heard people talk about framed but never checked it out. Oh my goodness after reading this I am jumping on you tube right now to see what all the excitement is about, this sounds amazing. Love the interview, wow something else to be addicted to, just what I need!!!

  5. You totally inspired me to look further into framed and i am totally addicted!! Loveeeee girly! You also make me wish I stuck with my project(S) Maybe i will start on my birthday and run through the year with a photo a week hmm

  6. Pingback: 20 on Tuesday: Jillian Kirby « Wendy VonSosen Photography

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