20 on Tuesday: Jenny Froh!

I have a long list of photographers I hope to one day meet in person.  On the top of my list is Jenny Froh of Pear Street Studios.  I “met” jenny when we were both regular contributors to the I Heart Faces photo challenges.   I was always impressed with her entries.  When I found out she had a passion for interior design, she is the mother of boys, and she loves dogs, I knew she had BFF potential!  She loves dogs so much, if fact, that not only is she an amazing portrait photographer, but she also specializes in pet photography!  And her images of dogs are spectacular!  I have an extremely enthusiastic goldendoodle that I’ve tried repeatedly to photograph, with absolutely no luck.  I admire Jenny hugely for her ability to capture the personalities of these animals for her clients.  (Oh, and she owns my very most favorite logo in the entire world.  Check it out!)

Hi Jenny!

Where are you from?

I was born and raised just north of Chicago in a town called Glenview.

Where is home now?

I now live in Flower Mound, TX (pretty name, huh?). We moved here in 2001 just after my first child was born so I could be closer to my parents.

Are you formally educated or self-taught in photography?

Aside from a high school black and white film photography class and one college photography class I’m pretty much self taught in the digital age. Of course I’ve the help of a few workshops, some great photography forums, and my local photog friends.

What words would you use to describe your style of photography?

Clean with a smile.

What inspires you as a photographer?

Home Decor Magazines. I’m not sure how that fits in with Pet photography though! LOL!

What is your favorite kind of session to shoot and why?

I love to shoot outdoors. I love running and playing shots of dogs. Being in their natural state and capturing those action shots makes me happy.

What made you decide to specialize in pet photography?

I love animals. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats of my own. I’m drawn to them. I’d have a hundred if I lived on a farm (oh and had a LOT of money). I guess it was just the most natural direction to go.

What’s the biggest challenge you face when photographing animals?

I haven’t faced any big challenges in outdoor shoots. However, since I started doing studio work…. THAT is challenging! Getting them to sit still and look at the camera has been crazy! I love eye contact though… so that’s what I strive for.

What would your “last meal” consist of?

Mom’s homemade Lasagna!

What’s your best advice for balancing work and family?

I waited until all my children were in school full time before starting a business. I do most of my work while they’re at school. My house is a mess all the time.. I’m not sure there really is a balance yet! LOL

What’s in your camera bag?

Canon 7D, 50 1.8, 85 1.8, 70-200 2.8, Tamron 28-75 2.8

When you’re not photographing, where can we find you?

I can be found in a few places. Right now I’m doing the Couch to 5K program so I’m out running quite a bit lately. I also own a preschool and I’m there twice a week,  If not there, I’m at my kids soccer games or just at home doing laundry or cleaning.

If not a photographer what would you have been?

An Interior Designer… My idol is Candice Olson of Divine Design. When I make my first million, I’m hiring her!

If you could live anywhere on this awesome planet where would you build your dream home?

Hands down on the beach… probably the California coast or Hawaii. It would have to be warm year round.

What talent would you most like to have?

A photographic memory!

What are the three words your spouse would use to describe you?

Okay, I had to ask him… because I really wasn’t sure!  He said energetic, creative and beautiful (can I get an awww?) He makes me blush 🙂

What photographer would you most want to second shoot with?

That would have to be William Wegman. I wish I had a tenth of his creativity!

Your favorite movie of all time?

You know… I LOVE movies! I watch them all the time, but I never watch a movie more than once. The only movie I’ll watch over and over again is Gone With The Wind… there’s just something about it I love and it will always be my favorite.

If you could redo something about your business when you first started, what would it be?

I don’t think there’s anything I would redo. I think I took it very slowly and was careful not to rush into it. I’m very happy with how my business has developed.

Name one blog you stalk regularly

Besides Wenderful!!? … Cowbelly and Barbara Breitsameter… sorry I couldn’t pick just one! 🙂  I stalk them both equally!

You can see Jenny’s work HERE.

Thanks, Jenny!!!

21 thoughts on “20 on Tuesday: Jenny Froh!”

  1. what a great interview with a wonderful photographer! thanks for letting us get to know Jenny better!
    I love following her work!

  2. What a fabulous interview…. I love love her pet photography and wish I lived closer! It is absolutely fantastic!

  3. Love Jenny’s pet photography!! I’m just so not a pet photographer and I admire anyone with the skill to get such brilliant captures of pets’ personalities.

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