20 on Tuesday: Kristin M. Young

Have you ever discovered a blog that you just can’t tear yourself away from even though you feel kind of silly because you don’t even know the person, yet you feel like you really do because you’ve read all about them and you’ve seen all the beautiful pictures of their family and their every day happenings and you’ve laughed at the quirky things that have happened with their kids and you admire how they share their likes and dislikes and their faith and ups and downs?  I feel a little voyeuristic (not in a creepy way) when this happens.  I feel a little nosy.  But I also feel inspired to incorporate more love and laughter and learning and photographs into my own life after delving into these blogs.

This is how I feel about my friend, Kristin Young and her blog.  Her family is absolutely beautiful, she is knock-dead gorgeous, her writing is inspiring and her photos have such a clean, lifestyle, honest feel to them.  She is the kind of photographer who, even if she wasn’t already a photographer, I would pay lots of money to to capture my own family in the same way she does hers on her blog (and in her business).

I was able to meet Kristin last fall at a local meet-up.  We have since shared emails back and forth about homeschooling, and moving around frequently, and living in the mid-west, and photography.  She is kind and funny and generous and gorgeous and down to earth.  And, if I wasn’t a Nikon girl, I would be insanely jealous because of her stash of fabulous lenses.  So, instead, I’ll remain jealous of her fabulous stash of camera bags instead.  lol.

Hi Kristin!

Where are you from?

Now, that is a loaded question!  My dad was in the military, so I grew up overseas in Germany.  My husband and I moved to the Bay Area in California right after college.  Since California has been the place I have lived the longest, I now call it home—well, at least until next month…then we are moving to Gainesville, Florida.

Tell us a little about your beautiful family.

I am married to my college sweetheart and we have five fabulous but rather loud home-schooled kiddos.

Are you formally educated or self-taught in photography?

I am all self-taught–with way too many long hours spent studying and learning and practicing.  I love everything about the learning process. My journey into photography began with a quest to take better pictures for my kid’s scrapbook.  Unfortunately, the photography bug bit me and I have not completed one layout for the scrapbooks in the past two years.

I am in love with the images you post of your family on your blog!  With all that you have going on at home, how do you balance work and family life?

Ah, thanks!  As for balancing them all, I only respond to screams from my kids if there is copious amounts of blood involved.  Seriously, I always have to remind myself of what is important in this season of my life.  My faith, my husband and my kids come first.  So I prefer to have less sessions a month which allows me to really anticipate and enjoy working with each client.  At the same time, I am able to still be available to my children.  I also firmly believe in getting help when you need it and weekly date nights with your spouse.


When you’re in a rut, what inspires you?

Two words…blog stalking.  It gets me every time.  I am always inspired when I look at other photographer’s work–especially people whose style is so different than mine.  I also love receiving catalogs in the mail (especially Anthropologie and J. Crew).  I get so many posing ideas and perspectives from catalogs.

Talk to me about personal projects.  Are they important and what have you done lately?

I am the queen of personal projects!  I have a running iPhone gratitude file on my computer of images taken with just my iPhone.  Last year was my first official year in business and I felt the post holiday madness letdown.  It can be hard to find a balance between being creative and running a business when your passion becomes your job.  I was beginning to dread picking up my camera.  But I found a couple of challenges online, such as the Bloom Forum’s 52 weekly challenge and Marta Locklear’s hue and texture challenge.  It was just enough to get me thinking creative again and stretch me to do something (macro photography) that I have not done before.

What would your ideal photo session look like?

Oh, this is a good one.  I would have to say that it would be a family session–with a newborn, five year old, tweener and senior (I can dream, right?).  We would start at their house with huge bay windows and funky decorations.  Then we would make our way to an awesome preserve with lots of trees, flowers and an open pasture. And finally, we would have to laugh (A LOT) and they would love my Justin Bieber impersonation.

If you could be invisible for one day with your camera…

I would be at the White House in the personal quarters.  Purely to take pictures, of course AND to hear what exactly the President and First Lady talk about on their down time.

Name a photographer you would like to take a portrait of?

Just one??? Hmmmmm, I would have to pick Deb Schwedhelm–her dreads make me swoon.

One of my favorite things about you is your lifestyle approach to photography.  How do you prepare your clients for their session?

I always emphasis my style first–that I will loosely pose but let them do what they do naturally.  Having fun is my number one goal during a session–I have been known to belt out popular songs, break out in dance moves and generally act totally silly if it gets everyone to loosen up.  I also remind the parents to let their kids be kids (and kids generally love it when I tell them that Mom and Dad are no longer in charge–at least during the session.)


What’s in your camera bag?

Waaaaay too much gear!  I am a Canon and a prime lens kind of gal.  My main squeeze is my Canon 5D Mark II, but I recently invested in a used Canon  EOS-1V film camera. My glass includes Canon’s 50mm 1.2 L, 85mm 1.2 L, 35mm 1.4 L, 135mm L (my favorite lens ever), 24-70mm L, 70-200mm L, 16-35mm L and a manual focus Zeiss 50mm 1.4 which is quickly becoming my favorite lens ever.

What have been your three best photography investments so far?

Adobe Lightroom, Karen Russell’s Snapshot Workshop (first online workshop I took) and investing in good lenses rather than upgrading my camera.

If not a photographer what would you have been?

Hmmm, well, I am a social worker by education and training but I think my favorite job so far has been being a mommy.

If you could live anywhere on this awesome planet where would you build your dream home?

Greece–on a cliff overlooking a white sand beach.  I would wear white linen.every.single.day.

What talent would you most like to have?

Hands down it is to be able to sing.  As in, “watch-out-Beyonce-Celine-Christina-Patti-that-girl-can-blow” kind of sing.  In my mind in the shower, I can really sing that way…

What are the three words your spouse would use to describe you?

Funny.  Giving.  Beautiful.  (Ah, he’s so sweet–I think I will keep him.)

Something that is over rated…

Mean people.  They are completely and totally over rated.

Your favorite movie of all time?

Facing the Giants.  I cry every single time I see that movie–so does my hubby but he claims to always have something in his eye.

If you could change one thing you did while starting your photography business, what would it be?

I started so slowly and still purposely keep it small, I can’t think of something I would change.  It took me three years from my first photography class to officially getting my business license (even then it was under threats from one of my besties to start a business).  You know, now that I think about it…I wouldn’t have purchased so many actions!  I still love some of them, but I usually find myself creating my own workflow actions that work for me.

What quote best represents you at this moment?


Maya Angelou–“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  I’ve found this quote prevails in all areas of my life–with my husband, my children, my friends, my family and also with my clients.  It’s such a blessing and privilege to help people feel as wonderful and as beautiful as they are made.

Aren’t her kids beautiful?

Krisitn’s work can be found HERE.

Thank you, Kristin!


I’m still working on putting together my anniversary post later on this spring.  If there is any one photographer that you’d die to see featured here, please leave me a comment or email me at wendy@wendyvonsosen.com.

21 thoughts on “20 on Tuesday: Kristin M. Young”

  1. Can’t tell you how excited I got when I saw you were featuring the lovely Kristin Young! I adore her photography and she makes me laugh out loud every single time she posts a comment on bloom. She’s absolutely hilarious and is such a kind person! Lovely work, Kristin and super inspiring interview! Thanks for doing these, Wendy! Xoxo to you both!

  2. Oh my gosh I am so excited that you chose Kristin to spotlight. Not only is her work beautiful she is one of the most sweet and giving people. I am jealous you got to meet her. I just think she is super woman and reading this just validated my thoughts! Thanks so much for choosing her, I loved this interview!!!!

  3. Yay, Kristin. you’re such a rock star! And I just love Wendy for doing all these awesome interviews. Great job you two!

  4. love me some Kristin. great interview and the MA quote has always been one of my favorites. best of luck in FL girl!!! 🙂

  5. Well done on yet another thoroughly enjoyable interview. Kristin ‘s work is beautiful and captivating. Thanks for the share ladies!

  6. I’m a huge Kristin M. Young fan! Loved getting to know more about you, Kristin. Thanks for another great interview, Wendy!

  7. what an awesome interview! kristen has such a gorgeous style … beautiful inside and out!
    love this last one of her kiddos. darling!
    p.s. you have got to have the most awesome camera gear! love it!!!

  8. whoa there, nellie…you all are too generous–way too many adjectives being thrown around here! thanks for the sweet compliments 😉 wendy has a way of making everyone look good. thanks, mrs. wendy for the interview…YOU rock!

  9. Loved this!!!! Your work is so so gorgeous and your blog is the best! Hmm I’m spending the summer about an hour away from Gainesville… we should meet up! (Haha was that too forward?!) much love!

  10. fantastic interview. i’m a HUGE fan of her work. prior to finding bloom, you, wendy and kristin are the only active bloomies i’d ever known of through the blogosphere. love love love both of your work. you are both inspiring photogs and mommies. thx ladies…

  11. Ah, Kristen, I too LOVE your blog! Your family is beautiful and I love how you see the world! My favorite image above is the newborn between the two parents, I love everything about it! Wonderful interview choice Wendy!

  12. Great choice! I was immediately drawn to kristin’s work in the bloom workshop. Love these interviews and love kristin’s photos. So inspiring.

  13. Pingback: Bloom Forum Member Interview | Kristin M Young

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