20 on Tuesday (Wednesday edition): Jennifer Chaney

Photographers.  They seem to be everywhere these days.  I struggle sometimes with comparing myself with my fellow photogs.  The beautiful images that I see on blogs that should inspire me sometimes do the opposite and I find myself discouraged and second guessing myself.  I’ve been thinking a lot lately as I’ve been packing and unpacking an entire household.  Now that I’m relaunching my business in a new state and in a new town.  I’ve come to the conclusion that instead of fostering an atmosphere of competition and animosity among my local fellow photographers, I am going to appreciate and embrace our own unique styles and talents.  I hope we can support and encourage each other,  build one other up in an effort to nurture our individual photography businesses.

Today’s 20 on Tuesday features one of my fellow LOCAL photographers, Jennifer Chaney.  She and I “met” in Cheryl Muhr’s Secret Workshop forum for former attendees.  We were able to get together a few months back for yummy ginger scones at Danville’s Sideboard when I came to town.  We ended up talking for  hours about photography, life, and kids.  She is a beautiful person, a savvy business woman, and a remarkable photographer.  Her clean lifestyle family photography inspires me.   I’m looking forward to playing “photography” with her in the near future!

Hi Jennifer!

Where are you from?
Oh man, that’s not a quick one for me to answer!  I’ve spent time in quite a few places – North Dakota (I know!  SOOO exciting!); Boulder, CO; Carmel, CA; and San Francisco.

Where is home now?
Walnut Creek, CA – SF Bay Area.  I love it!

Are you formally educated or self-taught in photography?
Self taught.  I did work with photographers in my prior jobs, so I learned a bit from them.  But I really learned the most through a lot reading, tons of practice, and a few select workshops.

What is your favorite kind of session to shoot and why?
Family photography is my favorite!  I love helping them document who they are – there is always so much going on and lots of  love!  I can sit back and watch the action unfold and wait for the right moments to capture.  At the same time they can be very difficult because they can quickly get chaotic, and I have to juggle so many things at one time (Where is everyone? What shot is next?  What’s the light like in the room?)  But I love the it – the crazier the better!

How do you form the kind of relationship with your clients that results in such stunning images?
Oh that’s a tricky one to answer – There are so many factors that go into my client relationships.  I think my blog is a big help- I have a lot of new clients tell me they feel like they already know me because they read my photography blog, follow me on twitter, or are a fan on Facebook.  I also have a good connection with my existing clients, so their referrals are usually people I click with immediately.  And last, I have several conversations with my clients before our session, so when I arrive, we’ve already developed a bit of a relationship.  I sincerely do love my clients and many of them I wind up being friends with.  I think this helped me win the Diablo magazine’s Best Family Photographer of the East Bay – if my clients didn’t feel a bond with me as a person, they probably wouldn’t vote for me. 🙂

Talk to me about personal projects.  Are they important and what have you done lately?
I finally started doing personal projects this year and I’m so happy I did!  In fact I really wish I had taken the time to do it years ago.  Right now I’m working with couples a lot.  I started to do it because I wanted to work on my weddings, but have found it’s a good way to work on everything from light to location to wardrobe.  Couples are more difficult since I’m used to families and letting the action unfold.  I’m also starting to help out other photographers and have begun blogging a few tips.  My first blog post is about the business of photography and I give 5 business tips to help the beginner photographer.  I’m excited to see where both of these projects go!

How do you stay motivated and your photography current?
I’m never fully satisfied.  I could have a fabulous session and still walk away thinking about how I could have done it differently.  I’m always looking at ways of improving – from my blog posts to my client communication and every where in between.  My mind is always going!

If you could be invisible for one day with your camera…
Interesting.  I’ve never really thought about it.  Probably my own kids – they typically turn away from the camera or stop doing the cute stuff I’m trying to capture.  If I were invisible I’d be able to capture them much more authentically than I am able to do now.  I think all parents experience something similar.

Name a photographer you would like to take a portrait of?
Ahhh another one I haven’t thought about before.  Let’s see… I’d love to take a pictures of my girl, Tara Kuhlow because she is so spunky and alive.  A shoot with her be so much fun!

What’s your best advice for balancing work and family?
Oh man.  It’s hard.  If I put my family first, my work will suffer.  And if I put my work first, my family suffers.  I did this back and forth for so long that some time last year I decided it had to stop.  So I got an assistant to do the things I no longer have the time to do.  This really frees me up to spend most of the day with my family.  I do wind up working until nearly midnight every night, but I hope to give my assistant more to do over time so I can actually have an even more balanced life!  Overall I feel like I’ve recently found my groove, or am at least close to finding it.  Oh and another thing that has really helped is a house cleaner – worth every penny!

What’s in your camera bag?
5D MII, 24-70mm 2.8, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, and the 70-200 on my short buy list!

When you’re not photographing, where can we find you?
My life is very glamorous.  I’m either running my kids around, at home feeding them, cleaning up after them, or trying desperately to get a workout in.  Aren’t you jealous?

If not a photographer what would you have been?
Oddly enough I’d probably be an attorney.  I was waiting to go to law school and was working at a large law firm in San Francisco when I quickly became disillusioned with the practice.  I was fortunate enough to have met my now husband who hooked me up with my first job in the photo world (a photo studio manager.)   If it weren’t for him, I don’t know that I would have gotten out of the legal world.

If you could live anywhere on this awesome planet where would you build your dream home?
Italy.  I’d learn Italian and sing Dean Martin songs all day!

What talent would you most like to have?
I’d love to have the ability to retain more of what I read.  My husband has this crazy ability for remembering everything he reads or hears. I only seem to be able to do it if I’m really interested in the topic.

What are the three words your spouse would use to describe you?
Haha!  I just asked him and there is no way I’m putting that down.  So I’ll have to guess based on past conversations: kind, generous, and funny (I just told him what I guessed, and he said, “you’re kidding me?… you forgot modest.”  Yes, we have that kind of relationship. Very rarely serious!)

Something that is over rated…
Photography workshops and forums.  I’ve learned so much more from just diving in and trying to discover the answer, or talking (yes, real conversations) with other photographers.  With twitter and FB, you can connect with so many people and develop relationships that are truly helpful to you as a person and as a photographer.

Your favorite movie of all time?
I can’t answer with just one, but these are ones I could watch on repeat:

That Touch of Mink
Bourne Identity

If you could change one thing you did while starting your photography business, what would it be?
Be on top of my money – charge more for my work and spend less.  You don’t need every fancy new action or marketing psd.  And you don’t need expensive equipment.  I see people going into dept so they can have the latest and greatest, and they don’t seem to be getting any new clients for it.  I think the things that will help you the most are things you can do for free:  learn your camera; learn the light; be true to yourself.

Name one blog you stalk regularly.
I don’t stalk any blogs.  I know.  I’m so weird.  That’s one of the things that had to go when I was finding balance in my life.  For inspiration I’ll visit a one or two blogs before a session, but for the most part I don’t have the time to read or even look.

Jennifer’s work can be found HERE.

Thanks, Jennifer!

18 thoughts on “20 on Tuesday (Wednesday edition): Jennifer Chaney”

  1. Wendy, I know I’ve said it already, but your outlook is refreshing and much needed in our industry! Thank you so much for featuring me and for being so sweet… I can’t wait to go out and play! 🙂

  2. Yay, what a great interview!!! Wendy – great questions!! (and, btw, welcome to California!!)
    Jennifer – love your work and your business acumen!!

  3. Wendy, welcome back to CA, I can’t wait to meet you in person. This is a terrific feature, really great post. And, of course, Jen is a fabulous person and a fabulous photographer. She is very talented and a brilliant business-head, love her!

  4. wendy…what a beautiful, inspirational idea! love that you are doing this and you made such a FABULOUS choice for your first interview. man, i love that girl. REALLY great interview, miss jen, and what a thrilling surprise to find my own name here. you should have seen my face…priceless! by the way, when shall i expect you and your camera to arrive for my special close-up? i may need to primp a bit (or a LOT), so some warning would be appreciated. 😉

  5. there are more? YAY! i love these, wendy. can’t wait to catch up now! 🙂

    and kim…you are too sweet. guess you’ll have to fight over me. ha! 😉

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