What's For Lunch?

I have four kids.  Two independent kids buy school lunch.   One very dependent one eats lunch at home with me because we hang out together frequently.  And one takes a lunch to school. Every. Single. Day.

Who packs the lunch?


If you’re anything like me, by mid school year, your well of sack lunch creativity has run dry.  Aside from the daily peanut butter and Nutella sandwich, goldfish, Oreos, apple slices, and juice box, I’m plum out of ideas.

A sack lunch rut you might say.

Imagine my joy in finding this:

Click HERE-> Pictures of 113 of Ethan’s Lunches (in full detail)


Someone has taken her sack lunch creativity and displayed it for the whole world to see.  She is a sharer and I’m a grateful acceptor.

So I’m passing the sharing on to you.

Because I’m nice like that.

I hope it sparks the sack lunch imagination in you too.


11 thoughts on “What's For Lunch?”

  1. The apples are organized into stripes by color. In the mornings, I’m so braindead that I’m lucky to send my kids to school WITH a lunch. I don’t think I could do that.

    (This year, my kids have been making their own lunches. It started out with first week of school excitement, and I just made them keep doing it. Cause I’m lazy that way. Booyah!)

  2. These lunch and bento blogs just amaze me. I am a lunch underachiever. I make lunch 4 days a week and mostly try to include last night’s leftovers with a piece of fruit and something snacky. My poor kids.

  3. Kristina, I agree.

    Annette, I KNOW! It’s like a work of art. All 113 lunches are like that. I think you’re smart to have your kids make their own. One of these days…

    Sally, you are smart to use leftovers. If I could get him to eat the dinner on the first go around, I might think about sending the leftovers the next day.

  4. Wow, that was a lot to pack into one lunch! I hope the child has a big appetite. Would any of yours eat all that?
    But what a nice find for ideas for you. Love you.

  5. Lunch-A-Bles!! 🙂 Like how I made that all dramatic??

    But seriously, they’ve changed my life. At night, Maddison puts a Lunchables in her nifty Hannah Montana bag, something healthy, like an apple or a fruit cup or raisins or something, and then something fun. The something fun is like fruit snacks, 100 calorie pack, or something.

    And voila!

    I am off the hook!

    But I’ll definitely go check those out, EVEN THOUGH I know in advance I have absolutely no intention of cutting up apples and arranging them by color. Or cubing cheese & ham. Or opening up 1,000 containers to grab 5 of each. 🙂

    I’m lazy like that.

  6. Brilliant. Well, except for the fact that my lunch toting kid wouldn’t be caught dead with a lunch box. Has to be disposable. No green going on over here.

    Have you seen this set of pics? http://www.flickr.com/photos/emthree/sets/72157604961700241/
    more for the stay at home kid but fun nonetheless (is that one word?).

    p.s. I never did get my Christmas cards done. Our computer crashed right before Christmas. Ugh. However since I didn’t get yours either we’ll call it even 😉

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