Vogue | Danville Family Photographer

We have known this family for many many years.  In fact, we used to share a street with them when our kids were little.  I was thrilled when they asked me to take their family portraits, but a little nervous because I know Jim has some serious photography skills of his own.

We braved the early hours and headed out to Old Borges Ranch to see if we could spot any tarantulas roaming around the hills looking for a mate.  Luckily we didn’t find any this time.  But we did find some sweet morning light and a fabulous grove of trees.

As I’ve mentioned before, I will say just about anything to get clients to warm up and relax.  And sometimes I don’t even think before I say things.  Like this time.  I just blurted out, “Show me your best Vogue!”  Jim and the boys looked at me like they had no idea what I was talking about.  “What?!!”  was what Jim said, as I recall.  Luckily, Wendy saved the day.  Here’s how it all went down.

I think that broke the ice because after that they were even game to try out my fabulous moustaches and lips (from Amy Locurto at Living Locurto)!  (Or at least they didn’t complain….too much.)

Thanks for spending an early morning with me, you guys.  I had a great time!

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