Happy Thanksgiving | Danville Lifestyle Photographer

We’ve spent the last few days in Salt Lake visiting my mom and my sisters for Thanksgiving.  We’ve been anticipating “The Blizzard of 2010”, stocking up on food, provisions, treats, games, candles, and videos.  The hype turned out to be much more than reality when we were dusted with only a half a foot of snow.  But the temperature didn’t rise above 20 degrees today so we don’t feel completely extreme-weather deprived.

With all this time and food, cookie-making was in order.  My sister, Tatertotsandjello, and her family broke out the cookie sheets and made some snickerdoodles.  This is the type of session I love to do!  Capturing everyday life, families doing what they love, together.  Real. Life. Together.

Real. Life. Together from wendy vonsosen on Vimeo.

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