A New Year A New Project | Danville Photographer

One of my favorite parts of my 20 on Tuesday interviews is when I learn about what other photographers are doing as personal projects.  I believe a key to longevity in this business is continuing to enjoy the art of photographing.  Not only photographing for other people, but photographing for yourself.  Personal projects are a wonderful way of stepping outside the realm of client photography and allowing yourself to be creative, with no rules or limits, without the pressure of pleasing anyone but yourself.

Recently many of my fellow photog friends have been talking and brainstorming ideas for personal projects.  If you’ve been following my blog since January 2010, you’ll know that I took on the challenge to do a 365 project last year.  I LOVED every second of the roughly 200 days that it lasted.  But between summer trips, client sessions, and moving to a new state, my 365 came to an unfortunate end mid spring.  I’ve decided not to tackle such a big project this year but instead have been inspired to do something equally as fulfilling (I hope), much less time consuming, but a little less comfortable for me.

Last year both Tara Whitney and my friend Shannon took the challenge of photographing their families (including themselves) once a month for an entire year.  They weren’t striving for the perfect portrait.  They weren’t worried about clothing coordination or concisely coiffed hair or the ideal location.  They were striving to capture a glimpse of their family in the real, in the raw, in the moment. This is where my comfort level faces its challenge.  I’ve been holding on to my last 15 pounds of baby weight now for almost 7 years.  I’m a fanatic about what pictures of me I release to the blog world.  The liquify tool and are TIGHT.  It takes most of the day for me to take, edit, and approve of a self portrait.  I’m my own nightmare client.

This challenge will require me to let that all go. (Although I can’t guarantee a clean split from the liquify tool) It will require me to relax in the moment and strive to capture our family in the reality that is us.  It will require me to complete  a goal of twelve family portraits in twelve months with no excuses.  It will require me to blog pictures from “The Cave”.

And you know what? I’m up for the challenge.  Because these are the moments I want to remember.  The real moments are what I want to look back on, to reminisce about when all of my kids are grown and gone.  These are the moments that count.

I encourage you to take the challenge of capturing more real moments with your own family this year.  You will not regret it.

HAPPY 2011

26 thoughts on “A New Year A New Project | Danville Photographer”

  1. What a fabulous idea Wendy. I think so many moms are critical of themselves in photos. This year was the first year that I just let some pictures of me just get out there … with not too much editing. I’ve got the wrinkles by the eyes, the dark circles, and the not so perfect mid-section.

    You are beautiful and so is your family. Can’t wait to see what you have to share!

  2. Love it Wendy! Just might have to copy…although my husband will definitley curse at me! He hates family picture time. 🙂

  3. Love this idea Wendy and totally got inspiring by it.
    It is really difficult to be in front of the lens when all you know is to be behind it.
    I missed most of the awesome family moments this year because I’ve gained weight and fell horrible when I look at the pictures. But you know what? It is time to let this feeling go and start registering my family!
    I might take a ride with you on thins challenge.

  4. Yeah Wendy! So so glad you hopped on this project! I can’t wait to see what you come up with every month. I for one will be watching and waiting!!! Love & all the happiness to you in 2011!

  5. Wonderful photo Wendy! I know that you will cherish every family photo for this project for years to come. I cant wait to see how all the months unfold!

  6. Love this idea Wendy. I failed at 365 last year I made it to day 185 I think. I may try once a month photo of us. I can’t wait to see your images each month.

  7. Love it Wendy, I really need to take this challenge too I have so few pictures with me in them. Your family is beautiful and I know this challenge will be a blessing to add yourself to those memories!! Can’t wait to see the pictures to come!

  8. What a GREAT project! I think I’ll need to do this too! It’s a fabulous idea!
    Love this family picture of yours! It’s beautiful!

  9. Oh, this makes me miss you guys so much! I love the picture! What a great project. And you are so beautiful Wendy. No worry should even enter your head about not look great.

  10. Love your idea and LOVE this photo!!! It’s pure happiness – even if its in the cave – home is where your heart is 🙂 You have such a great voice in your writing…I always look forward to reading your blog!

  11. Pingback: Art Display Project | Jules Trandem « Wendy VonSosen Photography

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