Sunday morning | Danville Lifestyle Photographer

I came from a family of girls.

I had no brothers.

I always thought I’d have a family full of girls.

And it started out that way when Maddy was born over 15 years ago.  We were surprised when we had a boy 3 years later.  And then another boy 3 years after that.  And one more boy 3 years later.

Maddy and I are outnumbered in a sea of boys.  We have been inundated with football and Star Wars and farts.

The family I had imagined as a 15 year-old girl is not the family that lives under my roof.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I love my boys and all their raw boy-ness.  Their Legos and dirty socks.  Their sports trivia and sometimes insatiable appetites.  Their obliviousness to tracking in dirt and matching clothing.

I am enjoying watching them morph into polite, strong, honest young men.  I love that they dress up every Sunday in white shirts and ties to attend church with us to worship and learn more about the young men they are becoming.

When I saw my husband helping my two youngest tie their ties this morning, I knew this was one of those moments I wanted  to capture.  I love how they turned out.  I will always cherish this moment in time.

11 thoughts on “Sunday morning | Danville Lifestyle Photographer”

  1. Oh Wendy, this touches my heart! Maybe one day my family won’t be all boys and me, but for now I wouldn’t change a thing either. What sweet boys you have and I know they are going to grow up to be amazing men!

  2. overwelmed by testosterone in this family too. (oh, did that sound dirty? hope not). I love that you took the time to capture this moment. right now, at this age. Very soon you will be watching him putting on his tie when you drop him off at the MTC and you will look back on these images years prior and wipe a gentle tear as it tracks down your cheek. Cherish it for all it’s worth.

  3. Loved this post. So sweet and reminds me of my own boys – 3 boys and 2 girls. Thank you for sharing.

    and where did you find those sweet ties? Totally awesome! We are in need of some hip and sweet ties. Please advise.

    Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

  4. Beautiful moment! I also grew up in a family of girls and now have two little boys! Never in a million years did I think I would live with and be outnumbered by so many boys:)!!! StarWars, video games, dirt, football, etc. All still a fun mystery for me!

  5. Love this Wendy, such a sweet post. I had 4 sisters and only 1 brother who was older so having a son has been so diff for me, I had no idea what to expect. But like you said I just love having a boy.

  6. These photos capture the very essence of boys becoming men. What a wonderful family you have. Middleton is not the same without you.

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