i heart faces | best face of 2010

It’s been ages since I last entered an iheartfaces photo challenge but when I saw the this week’s theme, I knew I just had to enter this one.

This is my good friend, Stacy.  She is a stay-at-home mom of 4.  She spends her days carting kids back and forth from home to school to lessons to scouts to activities.  She also cooks, cleans, shops, and takes care of all things family. She’s a beautiful person inside and out.  Her inside beauty shines through all the time and I wanted her to have a reminder of how beautiful she is on the outside as well.  It’s my deep belief that all women, but especially those of us who are in the trenches of motherhood, have at least one picture of themselves that shows their outer beauty.  That they can look at as a reminder that they are still HOT regardless of how much peanut butter is on their hoodies or how many times they were up last night feeding the baby or if it’s been so long since they had their hair done that they can’t remember their hair dressers name.

So, fellow Mommies everywhere, if you don’t have a picture of yourself that makes you smile and gives you a huge boost of pride, get into your favorite professional photographer and demand one!  I, for one, LOVE taking these for other women and would be thrilled to do yours or give you a referral for one in your neck of the woods.

Now go take a look at all the other fab faces of 2010!

10 thoughts on “i heart faces | best face of 2010”

  1. This is so true!!! I sometimes feel like I’ve just crawled out of a cave. It’s important to remember that we are still hot!

    Beautiful image, of a beautiful woman!

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