20 on Tuesday: Sari Underwood

Have I mentioned that photography forums aren’t foreign to me?  That there are several that I’ve been an active member of through my journey?

Well, it’s true.

Forums have been an amazing source of friendship and learning for me.  Even before I picked up my first DSLR, way back in the late 90s when my oldest son was born with a severe heart defect, I discovered the wonderful world of forums.  Instead of feeling like I was all alone as a young mom with a newborn who had just gone through his first open heart surgery, I found the support and connection of parents from all over the world who were experiencing similar trials or who had been down that road and could guide me along.  I owe much of what I learned about the world of congenital heart disease  to the people on my heart forums.

And I owe much of what I’ve learned about photography to the people on my photography forums.  I’ve weaned myself down to The Bloom Forum that I frequent almost daily and a few small forums that I visit every now and then.  One of my favorite things about being part of a a forum has been watching the progress of my fellow photographers who started out at roughly the same time as me.  Sari Underwood is one of them.  She and I were in a small business group together at one point and we bounced ideas off each other about pricing and marketing and packaging.  I remember being impressed by how open, helpful, and willing to share she was.  I also remember being a little green with envy when she went through a total branding makeover because her branding was so beautiful.  And yellow. My favorite color.  This year she’s participating in a 52 week project and I’ve enjoyed seeing the beautiful and creative images she’s been blogging.  Her family work is just beautiful and her newborns are precious!   She has absolutely gorgeous kids of her own and she blogs them every now and then.  Be sure to stop by her blog and take a look around!


Hi Sari!

Where are you from?

I was born in Puerto Rico.

Where is home now?
I’ve lived in Florida most of my life.  Grew up in Titusville and now live in Orlando.
Are you formally educated or self-taught in photography?
I have not taken any formal classes so I suppose that makes me “self-taught”.  I’ve learned from attending a few workshops (one being Bloom) as well as from other wonderful photographers!
What led you to pursue a career in photography?
I was very into scrapbooking which led me to want to take better photos for my layouts.  Eventually, that led to me buying a DSLR and diving into photography.  Realizing that I would eventually have to head back to my 9 to 5 job, I decided to try my hand at doing photography for others.
When you’re in a rut, what inspires you?
I get inspiration from so many places.  The blogs of my favorite photographers.  Scrapbooking galleries.  My kids.  Oh and my new inspiration treasure trove….Pinterest.com!
Talk to me about personal projects.  Are they important and what have you done lately?
I tried to do a 365 a couple of years ago and failed miserably!  That might have had to do with the fact that I had my son in February though…lol.  This year, I joined one of the Project 52’s from the Bloom forum though and so far, being a part of a group has made all the difference!  I also still try to keep up with my scrapbooking and documenting the everyday moments for my kids.  It’s becoming harder and harder to do as my time becomes limited but I still try to squeeze in the time to do it because I want to document these moments for them and for me.
What would your ideal photo session look like?
A session during the golden hour at a pretty field or vineyard with some adorable children who don’t run away from my camera like my own two kids.  🙂
If you could be invisible for one day with your camera…
Oh, gosh, so many things….I would love to document a day in the life of Apple CEO Steve Jobs.  I am fascinated by their marketing and branding and how they manage to put out products that I not only love to use but are beautifully designed.   I’m a total Apple fangirl.
Name a photographer you would like to take a portrait of?
My friend and fellow photographer Teresa Wilds of Wild Sugar Photography.  Her friendship and support has been invaluable to me this past year and of course, as a photographer you rarely spend time in front of the camera so I would love to capture her and her beautiful family.
I love the look of your brand!  I remember when you went through the process of branding.  What role does your brand play in your business?
Thank you!  I love my new branding and really wanted something that spoke to me and looked professional.  I worked with Luxecetera am very happy with the results.  Everyone there is so amazing!  I think branding is so important.  I try to tie everything in to my branding…. from my blogsite, to my Facebook page, to my marketing and my packaging.  I have received quite a few compliments from clients about how they love the look of my website and branding, so they do notice.

What’s in your camera bag?
Canon 5D Mark II,  85mm 1.8 and 50mm 1.4  I’m definitely a prime girl!
What have been your three best photography investments so far?
My branding, Photocart &  5D Mark II.
If not a photographer what would you have been?
I would probably be going back to the real estate industry where I worked as a closer.
If you could live anywhere on this awesome planet where would you build your dream home?
We spent our honeymoon in San Francisco and I fell in love with everything about it!  The weather was perfection there.  Warm days and chilly nights.  NO humidity.  Access to wine country.  Ahh, I loved it so.
What talent would you most like to have?
I wish I could knit and make my own newborn props!
What are the three words your spouse would use to describe you?
I was afraid to ask him because I knew he would try to be funny!  He finally settled on….Caring, quiet, creative.
Something that is over rated…
Having the most expensive and latest camera gear.  Work with what you have.  Learn your equipment in and out first.  You don’t need the greatest and latest to capture beautiful images.
Your favorite movie of all time?
Sixteen Candles.  Never gets old!
If you could change one thing you did while starting your photography business, what would it be?
Spending so much money on things I wouldn’t use like various props and actions.  You soon realize that less is more.
What quote best represents you at this moment?
“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”— Walt Disney Great advice and something I’m trying to strive for.
Sari’s work can be found HERE.
Thanks, Sari!!!


8 thoughts on “20 on Tuesday: Sari Underwood”

  1. Sari, I’ve always loved your scrapbooking… and your photography is amazing. Yes… we can’t stop drooling over your branding too… gorgeous all of it, and your kids, and you!

  2. sari, great interview. i am happy to learn some new things about you. its been great watching you expand in the photog field!!!!!!

  3. Gorgeous pictures, Sari and wonderful interview!!! Loved getting to know her a bit more and was so excited to find another latin photographer!!!

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