20 on Tuesday: Jillian Kirby


That’s what comes to mind when I hear the name, Jillian Kirby.  Newborns are among my favorite subjects to photograph, but can also be the toughest.  I keep my eye on a short list of photographers I’ve found that have the art of newborns perfected.  Among this short list is Jillian.  I happened upon her while researching newborn posing a while back.  I was instantly smitten by her clean processing and beautiful depiction of the first few days of life.  Not only does Jillian photograph newborns but also babies, kids, and gorgeous expectant mothers.  She has a way of using light to enhance the details, the yummy newborn folds, the wisps of downy hair, the tiny fingers and toes of new life.  I knew when I discovered her, I really wanted to feature Jillian here.  I’m thrilled that she was up for my 20 questions!


Hi Jillian,


Tell us a little something about Jillian Kirby.

I am a mom to two little ones and a wife to one amazing man! I have a psychology background and life in the outskirts of Vancouver, BC.

Are you formally educated or self-taught in photography?

I took a couple college classes to ensure I had proper technique and understanding of the fundamentals. But I essentially taught myself by scouring the web for hours and hours late at night while my kiddos were in bed.

When and how did you decide to specialize in newborns and babies?

I specialized in newborns about 2.5 years ago. It happened quite spontaneously actually. I photographed a few newborns whose mommies knew other mommies having newborns and the word spread. Before I knew it, the only bookings I was getting was newborn bookings. After about 6 months of that, I decided to embrace it specialize.

How long does your typical newborn session last?

My typical newborn session lasts about 2.5 hours now that I’ve gotten it down to a science. I quickly learned that, while I could sit there and photograph their baby all day long, the parents weren’t quite up to the same time commitment. I forced myself to find a routine that would ensure that my clients left my studio smiling and happy, not itching to leave!

At what age do you prefer to photograph newborns?

7 days seems to be the magic number. I’ve never had a baby that age that wasn’t a sleepy ball of posing loveliness!! Having said that, I just photographed a 2 month old that was putty in my hands… so ya just never know!

What do you do when you get a newborn who just won’t sleep?

I’ve only had three newborns that wouldn’t sleep… that I can think of off the top of my head. I use baskets, wraps, swaddles and the parents as props to work around it. And those sessions have been a couple of my highest sellers! Parents and grandparents LOVE the eyes open shots!
How long did it take you before you felt like you had mastered the art of newborn photography?

I still don’t think I’ve mastered it. There’s always an aspect of it that I try to improve or change. Every day I search the internet for inspiration… whether that be Etsy or forums or design blogs. Style constantly changes and if we’re not a part of it, we’ll be left behind.
What are the most common mistakes aspiring newborn photographers make when just starting out?

They don’t pay attention to details. I think the best part about newborn images is the details… the fingers, the toes… we want to see it all. Don’t hide them in blankets and beanbags. Work on your posing so that you ensure that the whole face can be seen and all the little bits are seen cause it just adds to the depth of the image.
What age is your favorite to shoot babies?
Well I love my newbies, but I also love my 6 months olds. How great are they!?! I love that they’re chubby and smiling and showing all their little personalities. Also, they’re sitting up but they’re not quite crawling yet… so they can’t get away from where I put them!!
Your images are so beautiful and clean.  What does your typical editing workflow look like?

Because I like to spend as much time with my family as possible (and as little time in front of the computer as possible) I really try to nail a lot of it in camera. I really focus on shadows and lighting and ensure it looks really close to what I want in camera. Having said that, I do pull every image in to photoshop, usually do a bit of color adjust in camera raw, crop in PS, desaturate a bit (if needed), lighten the skin tones (if needed), pull up the midtones in curves, sharpen using USM and be done with it!
Talk to me about personal projects.  Are they important and what have you done lately?

They are sooooo important. You can really get stuck in a rut if you’re doing the same thing over and over. Having said that, my youngest child is still in part time school and home with me the other times. So until he’s in full time school in September, I keep personal projects to a minimum. I did just finish a new promo video that I’m so excited about. Also, every time I get a new prop, I bring a baby in just to play. The parents know that they may get one or ten shots for the gallery but I’m shooting for me and for experimentation. I love that!

Where do you turn for inspiration?

I turn to different things for different aspects of my work. For tones and style, I look at Etsy or design blogs. For editing styles, I look at other photographers from around the world: Kerianne Brown and Ashley Skjaveland from Canada, Kristen Cook from Australia, Raye Lawe from the U.S. For posing, I look at my business partner Stephanie Robin… her mastery and understanding of the newborn body is absolutely unreal.
What’s in your camera bag?

Two Nikon D700s, 50 mm 1.4, 105 mm macro, 24-70 mm 2.8. And then the normal boring stuff…. business cards, lens cleaners, cf cards, batteries… blah blah blah.
What are your top 5 photography must-haves?

1. A 50mm

2. A macro
3. A good bag
4. A calibrated computer screen (mac prefered!!)  😉
5. The ability to function on very little sleep!
When you’re not photographing, where can we find you?

Well that’s not very often but I would say in front of the TV. Every night at 8pm when the kids go to sleep I have time with my hubby. Just me and him cuddled together on our tiny little love seat, watching our favorite comedies (usually with popcorn too!).
Something that is over rated…

3D movies
What’s the last movie you saw in the theater?

What do you listen to while editing?

Oh my goodness, everything from John Mayer to Carrie Underwood to Maroon 5 to Justin Bieber (I know!!) to Rascall Flatts to Ray LaMontagne.

What quote best describes you at this moment?

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you’re not going to stay where you are.”
Jillian’s work can be found HERE.
Thanks, Jillian!
And if you missed last week’s interview with the fabulous new photography show, [FRAMED], check it out HERE.

13 thoughts on “20 on Tuesday: Jillian Kirby”

  1. great interview! wendy thanks for sharing her with us.

    i LOVE the peace one, that gorgeous brown blanket and baby shot, and the beautiful twins.

  2. love jillian’s work!! great write up wendy and – come on – how cute is that last one…PEACE BABY! the face even matches the hand sign! 🙂

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