The Holidays in Review…

I started this blog hoping it would replace journaling and scrapbooking.  A few months ago it occurred to me that as a journal it was doing the job, but I didn’t post enough photos to adequately consider it a scrapbook.  So, in an effort to quell the guilt of not being a “real” scrapbooker, I’m throwing the pictures up of our holiday season.  So, feel free to scroll away…

Christmas Eve was spent with some good friends around the corner.  We had scrumptious  food, a hilarious white elephant auction, and our favorite games.




We started a new tradition this year.  It consisted of booby trapping the kids inside their rooms to prevent them from waking up too early and getting a peek at what Santa brought.  This new tradition being a last minute stroke of genius on my part, we didn’t have much to work with in terms of tools.  So we fastened a string onto the door of one bedroom and tied an assortment of metal measuring cups and spoons to the other end hoping that when the door opened, their escape plan would be foiled by all the racket.  (In theory).  The other door was blocked by a spare mattress and a chair.  We proved to be sneakier than the kids.  They waited patiently for us to come get them, oblivious of the danger that lurked outside the doors.  Now that they’ve caught on to our dastardly plans, we’re hoping they at least attempt to come out of their rooms early next year.




Christmas morning.  Despite Santa cutting back on the loot this year, everyone seemed to have made out well.







A few days later we packed up and headed south to Utah to celebrate the new year with my mom, my sister, and her family.











And in case you weren’t lucky enough to spend 6 hours in a car packed with miscellaneous belongings and four bored-to-death-because-we-didn’t-bring-the-car-with-the-DVD-player kids, here’s a little sampling of the fun I captured with my nifty new Flip camera.  Now.  BE GRATEFUL!


17 thoughts on “The Holidays in Review…”

  1. Stopping by from SITS and I love how fun your family seems!! It looks like you guys had a fantastically fun holiday!

  2. Hmm I tried to leave a comment but got an error message. So I am trying again to tell you that I am stopping by from SITS and I love how fun your family looks!!

  3. What a fun post. Your family is so beautiful and it is fun to see photos of them as they are getting older. Happy New Year!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blogs! Cute kids.

    Improving your photography is a great resolution. I’m always looking for ways to improve. If you have an external flash for your camera, which it looks like you do from the flash pattern, try pointing it up at the ceiling or off a side wall for your indoor flash shots. You may find you love it.

    You can also check out these sites to improve your photography.

  5. I couldn’t get over the dummy! I can’t believe you found one! HA! And the pictures you gave your daughter–gorgeous! Those will look great in her girly pink room :).

    Glad you had a good Christmas. Wishing you all the best in 2009. We’ll have to get together again soon!

  6. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for stopping by my place. Fireworks is legal in some towns in California, but not all. So as it happens we hear them go off on New Years Eve. Happy New Year.

  7. Thanks for stopping by today! You have a darling family…I LOVE your video clip at the end (do you like your Flip? I’m thinking of putting it on my wishlist…) I especailly love how your hubby is just. driving. We do the mullet car sometimes too–all business up front and PARTAY! in the back…haha! =)

  8. Hi Wenderful!!! Thanks for commenting on my blog… and because you were #4… I am gonna send you a prize ANYWAY! (Yes, it is your lucky day 🙂 BUT, you are going to have to send me your address. I just put my e-mail up above, so, you can send it to me via that. Thanks again for stopping by the blog… Oh, and don’t forget to Pay it Forward!

  9. I love your new tradition! I just hope I remember it next year so we can do it, too.

    I was wondering what your bowls of fruit, pretzels, cake, etc were for, but I think I figured it out. Fondue? Looks like a fun time.

  10. The booby traps are hillarious! lol! What a fun and sneaky idea. 😉 Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s so fun to find bloggy friends with similar interests and aspirations. Hope you are having a fantastic new year! 🙂 Ashley

  11. It looks like the kids (at least 3 out of 4) had a great time on the way home. Glad you made it safely. Keep posting. Love you.

  12. Oh my goodess, what a fun post!! I stopped over from Jen’s blog. We’ve been bloggy friends for a bit, and I came over a few weeks ago {don’t remember if I commented}. Anyways,

    those boobie traps are hilarious! And I love the pictures of your daughter. And I love the video. And I love the comment someone posted about the “mullet car”–business in the front, party in the back. So funny!!

  13. Hey wendy!!

    Your pictures are getting better and better! Are you loving your new flip phone? Great gift.

    Good times… I love the holidays:)

  14. Your booby trap is awesome! It must have taken you all night to set it up. It reminds of of the little kid in Home Alone trying to thwart the burglars. Very clever.

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