A Leftover, Some Snow, and … A GIVEAWAY!!!

Now that Christmas is over, so are Treasure Tuesdays.  How does “Toss-Up Tuesdays” sound until I think of something better?  How apropos since today’s post is a catch up of sorts.

A newly adopted tradition that I swiped from Gab (thanks Gab!) was the Christmas Card Map.  This year we tracked where our cards came from.  The teacher in me ate up the educational aspect of it and the kids were eager to spot the mail lady fishtail her yellow jeep down our street  with our precious parcels everyday.  Marking the map was popular enough to cause more than one wrestling match.


California won by a landslide with Utah and Idaho in a close race for second.  It was exciting to see that 15 states and 2 countries were represented.  What a fun tradition!

The husband revisited one of his favorite parts of living in Utah on our recent trip and captured it on video. ( There was no helicopter or chair lift involved.)


There you go Honey. You finally made “The Blahhhg”.

And finally, I won THIS from Lindsey the other day.  I am very excited since one of my resolutions this year is to unleash my inner crafter (assuming I have one).  I guess we’ll soon find out because now I must Pay It Forward.  Here’s the deal:


–Be one of the first three bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me. (Don’t cringe just yet.  It’ll be good)

–Winners must post this challenge on your blog, meaning that you will Pay It Forward, creating a handmade gift for the first three bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!

–The gift that you send to your Three Friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember: It’s the Spirit and the Thought That Count!

–When you receive your gift, please feel free to blog about it, sharing appropriate Linky Love!

If you are not one of the Top Three Commenters on this post, you can still play along. Please take the button and post it on your blog; start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same!

Get Ready.  Get Set.  Comment!!!

12 thoughts on “A Leftover, Some Snow, and … A GIVEAWAY!!!”

  1. What a fun idea! Do I count even if I am related to you? I love it.

    I also like your map and Christmas card tracker. Very cool.

    Miss you guys!


  2. I’m a blog stalker…LOL I love to look at my friends blogs and then sometimes take a peak at their friend’s blogs….hope you don’t mind. I promise I am not a weirdo!

    I love your idea and have always loved the idea of paying it forward any time it involves something that will make another person smile.

    Happy New Year!

  3. I am sad-even though I don’t have a blog I think you should consider me as one of your winners! 🙂 I’d love a hand-made item from you-I know it would be awesome!!

  4. I love to come to your site… even if I play catch-up half the time. It was fun to see you over the holiday. Pay it Forward… cute idea!

  5. Thanks for the comments on my blog! I love the cricut machine and the best place for ideas is the cricut message board @ http://www.cricut.com. The ladies there are amazing and I have gotten so many wonderful ideas, but be careful you can spend hours there! Also on the right hand side of my blog a link to a site called bitten by the bug and it is also a great place for ideas!
    As far as digital scrapbooking goes it is so much easier than traditional scrapping. I think they both have a place though. I do digital books for grandparents and friends. It takes less time and takes up less room storing the albums, plus people who don’t scrap have no idea how much effort goes into a single page and this way they get something nice, but I don’t feel like I wasted time. All my personal albums of my family are traditional scrapped, but I also order copies of the books I make for gifts.

    Program to use: I highly recommend lumapix fotofusion. It is really user friendly, so much easier than adobe, however I do use photoshop CS4 for some things.
    Elements to use for your pages: You can download tons of free stuff for digital scrapping, just type in free digital downloads in a search engine and you will be amazed. I suggest this for a beginner and then once you get into it you may want to purchase kits.

    I know this is a long comment, please feel free to pop over to my blog anytime and ask me any questions you have, and happy scrapping!

  6. Well, I’m way past the winner’s circle, and actually, I’m kind of relieved about that! Confessions of a true blog nerd. I’d rather sit and read blogs all day, and write them. Duh…

  7. Duh. I should have realized you were Jenn’s sister. She’s a wonderful Invisible Friend of mine! I’m glad to meet the rest of the family. Sniff. I feel so loved!

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