Memory Monday – Now Smell This…

noseI found myself in Walmart this morning in the cleaning aisle with my nose pressed to all the different fabric softener sheet selections.  I’m sure I elicited a few strange and curious stares.  But I didn’t care.  I was out of sheets and my laundry was suffering from some serious static cling.

Why not just grab a box of Bounce and be on my way?  Well, you see, I have a super sensitive nose. The smell goes in and makes a bee-line  to the memory part of my brain and pounds on the door.  And the smell of Bounce makes my stomach churn and nausea washes all over me.

Have you ever been going about your day, minding your own business when, WHAM!  you’re hit with a smell that triggers a memory and you’re transported back in time to a certain experience and you have to take a moment just to remember?  Details come back to you and you can just picture the setting, hear the sounds, see the people, and remember how you felt.  That happens to me all the time.

Perhaps I have control issues but I have to smell products before I buy them.  Like shampoo.  Once, I switched shampoos without an initial sniff test only to be transported back to my junior high swim team locker room.  I could smell the chlorine, feel my aching muscles, see my portly mustached coach and prepubescent teammates, and hear the whistles and hollers from the parents in the stands.  Please, give me back my Nexxus.

Some other smells that elicit a serious case of memories are:

Bounce and garlic – Not necessarily together. Can you imagine?  Shoot me on the spot if that happens!  Let me explain.  Pregnancy.  Nausea.  Morning Sickness.  I equate Bounce and garlic breath with early pregnancy.  To this day, both smells trigger the gag reflex.  If we’ve been out of town and have done laundry where Bounce has been used, I have a really hard time loving on the kids. I have to go home and rewash everything to get rid of the horrid stench of Bounce!  And garlic?  Well let’s just say, if one person eats it, we all have to indulge.

Coffee – Reminds me of my very first “real job at East Side Manor in Fayetteville, New York, an assisted living home where I helped in the kitchen.  I can see those cute old people sitting around in the lobby waiting for some excitement.  I can see the head cook’s massive calves sticking out of her nylon socks and white medical shoes.  I can hear “They Built This City on Rock and Roll” playing Every.Single. Night as we were clearing and resetting the tables, washing the dishes, and refilling the creamers.  The memory of ginger snaps and ginger ale comes into play here as well.  Nightcap anyone?

Lysol Disinfectant Spray original scent – When we finally brought Jack home at 4 weeks-old, after his first open heart surgery, we were ultra paranoid about germs, understandably.  A trip to Costco resulted in an entire case of this spray.  We spent the day before he came home spraying every inch of our house.  Gone were smells of potpourri, last night’s meal, bubble bath, baby powder, laundry detergent.  All you could smell when stepping foot in our house was Lysol.  We used every last drop of that spray for the first couple months we had Jack and a couple months after his second surgery.  To this day, the smell of that stuff reminds me of fear, newfound love, late night medicating, little Maddy in pigtails, playing hour after hour of Memory with her while we were stuck in the house, trips to and from Oakland Children’s Hospital, beeping from the O2 monitor, feeding pump, and apnea monitor.  Jack’s heart issues have been relegated to the back burner, thankfully, as has the Lysol.  I now buy anything BUT Lysol.

The Trifecta of green peppers, onions, and ground beef cooking –   takes me back to my childhood.  My sister and I sitting in front of the TV in our cozy tudor in Kalamazoo, Michigan watching The Brady Bunch while my mom makes dinner in the kitchen waiting for my dad to get home from work.  That scene flashes in my memory every time I cook those things together now.  I equate that smell with home and comfort.

Moth balls and wet dog – Reminds me of my childhood friend Katie Burns’ house.  We spent hours playing school and house there.  Her basement always smelled of moth balls.  She had a black scottish terrier with skin issues.  He had scratched patches of fur off his hide leaving bald patches of skin.  He must have required lots of baths because I remember often smelling wet dog  when I was over.  These days wet dog can be smelled  here as well since Molly makes the unfortunate choice of frequenting the cow pasture at least once a week. Oh how I love dogs…

As I was laying in bed the other night I was making a mental list of smells that trigger distinct and strong memories.  I could go on and on in detail but I’ll leave that for nonpublic writing venues.  But here’s a brief list:

  • Seaweed
  • Old Spice
  • cigarette smoke masked with Airwick
  • Mustela baby products
  • hospitals
  • spray adhesive
  • Big Red gum
  • Anais Anais  and Lauren perfume

OK.  Your turn.  What smells elicit a serious memory jog for you?

87 thoughts on “Memory Monday – Now Smell This…”

  1. The smell of rain always takes me back to 7th grade and I remember walking home with a boy I was in “total love” with. Oh those carefree days…
    The smell of smoke from a chimney always reminds me of my Snow College days walking to and from class from the same apartment both years and all the memories that come with my college experience. I loved Snow College!

  2. That’s funny about the Bounce. That’s what I craved when I was pregnant with my second daughter. I would was my pillowcases everynight then I would stick some sheet in the pillows. I also walked around with the sheets in my pockets.

  3. I craved laundry detergent during two of my pregnancies. Not Bounce, but actual gritty, chalky laundry detergent. I finally gave in and tasted during Lily’s pregnancy. It does not taste as good as it smells!

  4. It is so true. If I walk by someone wearing the perfume “Ralph”, it makes me wanna. That’s my famous quote. “Ralph, makes me wanna”.

    When I was pregnant with my daughter Maddison, I received this perfume as a Christmas present, right in the height of my morning sickness. Well, needless to say, I’ve got a whole bottle stashed away in a box somewhere. I didn’t DARE give it to anyone I knew!!!

    Also, I LOVE the smell of fresh rain, particularly wet dirt.

    The smell of goulash always reminds me of my grandmother’s kitchen.

    I know there are more, I just can’t think of them.

    Great topic!

  5. I just blogged about traveling today, and for me cigarette smoke reminds me of Paris. I’ve lived there twice and it seemed like everyone there smoked. So that smell makes me feel like “What adventure are we off to now? Let’s get a crepe on the way!”

  6. I think Lysol will always evoke issues with cleaning up throw up.. eww. I know.. But, when Abby was 6 months old, she got the flew.. Peter took care of her one night, and HE got it, the I got it and we were on the floor for a couple of days. Unable to move. I even had to enlist someone to take care of Abby for a day so we could try to survive ourselves!

    It is a pretty strong memory.. Hence.. the smell. I still use it though.. For the exact same purpose.. oh, and sometimes to spray the diaper genie. 🙂

  7. Hey — good post! I love the smell of wet bricks. And pancakes cooking.

    I tried calling you today. I saw that you called this morning, but I was stuck in a RS meeting. Hope things are going well!


  8. Very thought provoking post with lots of memories for myself of Lysol, barn yard, wet dog. But it is hot bread or a roast baking that stirs of those memories of home and comfort.
    Thanks for the vist!

  9. Any kind of Mexican food: My friend Carmen from back home in Texas
    Any kind of pine scent, real or fake: My cat, Bootie, running up the 12-foot tall (we had a cathedral ceiling in the living room) Christmas tree, tipping it over, tree crashing across the room and into the dining room, shattering every single light and ornament.

  10. Campbell’s Vegetable soup-school cafeteria, also homemade rolls-school cafeteria! Coffee brewing-home. Spearmint gum–your dad. I’ll think about more and tell you. Good post though!

  11. Fun memory post. I had such a hard time with garlic, too, especially when I was pregnant with 4 & 5. The kids would come home from school reeking of spaghetti or burritos almost every day. And poor Steve tried to avoid garlic, but it’s in EVERYTHING! He got banished to the sofa more than once.

  12. Cottonwood trees remind me of Colonia Juarez, where my Grandma and Grandpa lived. Apple orchards remind me of my Grandpa. Peaches and cream is my Grandma. There’s no doubt – smells are powerful!

    Has anyone ridden Flight over California (I think that’s what it’s called) at California Adventures and noticed that as they fly you over the orange groves they put a citrus smell in the air, and when they fly you over Yosemite, they put an evergreen scent into the air? It made it so real!

  13. LESTOIL …

    My mom washed the floor with it nearly every other day. That lady washed the floor a lot (way more than I EVER DO) Anyway, when she came last winter, she wanted to help me wash my floor. She wasn’t happy with my choice of floor cleaners. I love the smell of FABULOSO in the purple color. I guess it was too much for her so she went to the store, but couldn’t find her LESTOIL. Instead she came home with some Pine-Sol (YUCK). I told her I didn’t like the smell of either the LESTOIL or the PINE-SOL. She then went on to tell me that “I loved that smell when I was little” HUH?

  14. Wow! Smells have always been a huge thing to me. I would have to say that the smelliest memory for me was when I dated a guy back in high school and he always smelled like rubber bands. It was a complete turnoff!

  15. Don’t usually link smells to memories myself, but I totally understand where you’re coming from.

    I sometimes get a similar effect with perfumes -which tend to remind me of the people in my life that used to wear them…

    Now, when it comes to buying stuff I couldn’t agree more. There’s no way in hell I’m buying sth without actually smelling it first! I do, however, know a good number of people that would agree -so you & I seem to be in good company as far as “control issues” are concerned 😉

  16. Oh wow girl, we share something. I also have a super sensitive nose (always thought I should blog on it) and I connect smells with events. We have a laundry detergent here that was in my mom’s car when I got sick one day – can not smell it ’till today.

  17. Pine Sol! My mom would clean like crazy when she was mad. If I walked in the house and smelled that, I knew it was not going to be a good day:0(

  18. Funny- I can’t think of any smells that really transport me anywhere (at least not right now). I guess that’s not true…I love the smell of fall- the crisp & cool air. Reminds me of gorgeous fall day in Alaska (my home) playing outside. those were happy times.

  19. The most powerful smell for me is the smell of a barbecue or camp fire. I”m immediately brought back to the camping trips I used to take with my best friend when we were teenagers.

    My nose is such a powerful reminder of those good times.

  20. A & D oinment reminds me of my children as babies, my kids still say “it smells like gramma in here” if I clean with Murphy’s Oil Soap, Windsong perfume and Lake Niagra wine was my mom’s smell growing up…I have so many, and posted about it just like you!

    My post was triggered after opening the garage door late one night when my husband was out of town. I smelled “a man” out there, Old Spice and cigarettes. It scared me after the briefest whiff and I slammed the door shut and locked it. It was then I realized how powerful a smell can be.

    Happy sits 🙂

  21. Everytime I smell the men’s cologne Polo, it takes me back to high school when I first started dating my now-husband. That’s what he was wearing on several of our first dates and I could still smell it on my clothes when I came home;o)

    Found you through SITS!!

  22. Smells certainly do illicit memories but I already told you about my Lysol experience. 🙂

  23. Oh the smells.
    I remember Firefox perfume from Avon..reminds me of my mom….
    so many
    thanks..loved this post.

  24. Meatballs simmering on the stover while standing right outside the door of my very old house reminds me of Sundays with Grandma. I have a strong sensitivity and memory for smells too. It’s good to know I’m not crazy that way! Happy SITS!

  25. Burt’s Bees Baby lotion reminds me of those first few scary days in the hospital, watching my son under the UV lights. They told me not to hold him, except to bathe him, feed him or change him, so all I could do was look at him and smell him.

  26. The smell of wet soil reminds me of a class trip I took in second grade to the Botanical Gardens. Being a city girl I had never smelled anything like that, and I loved it. Everytime I get out of the city and am lucky enough to smell that smell it makes me smile nostalgically.

  27. The smell of wood kitchen cabinets used to remind me of my grandmother’s home. But tray as I might, I can’t smell that smell anymore……anywhere.
    Growing up, my mother’s kitchen was total new age, all metal cabinets with built in appliances….very Jetson……but no great smell. I would visit my grandmother who had a large old farm style kitchen with wood cabinets……I loved that smell…..the wood cabinets. It must have been a type of wood. Even though previous homes and apartments had wood cabinets, I never smelled that smell again till we bought this house. We renovated the kitchen a few years back….all new cabinets. The kitchen no longer has that wonderful smell. I miss it.

  28. I don’t think I can name many off like you can because they usually catch me off guard…I love when that happens.

    The two I can name are cow pastures (my childhood) and a specific lotion called Rain reminds me of when my Grandpa was sick and dying because my aunt bought it from the hospital gift shop.

  29. Armani – hubs wore it on our first date. I fall in love all over again every time I get a whiff.

    Old Spice , cigarettes (when I was a kid; he mostly quit years ago) and Red Door soap – memories of my Dad. Chokes me up at the thought, he just passed in January.

    Tiger balm – makes me think of Grandma.

    Great post! Here from the SITS 🙂

  30. another great post! Im going to have to rack my brain on this one though, I know there are some scents that bring memories…..

  31. Certain perfumes always trigger memories of friends and relatives. So does Listerine.
    And I love the smell of garlic, onions, and ground beef – similar to yours, that is home to me. Mom’s making her spaghetti sauce that I haven’t yet mastered.

  32. I love it when I come across a smell that takes me back, especially the good memories…not so much the bad memories.

  33. Just about any perfume can take me back to a different time in my life. Polo reminds me of my Uncle Allan, Obsession for Men of my first boyfriend, White Shoulders of my grandmother, Red Door of my mother, Michael Kors creme perfume of my best friend, CK1 of my sister as a teenager… the list goes on. I guess I’m the perfect perfume consumer because isn’t that what they’re all going for? Olfactory memories so strong they compel you to buy more?

  34. I’m totally the same way with smells. My most recent “smell memory” came flashing back to me as we’ve been shopping for a new car this last month (I hate car shopping btw). We test drove one & when I opened the door the car freshner or whatever caused the smell in the car opened up the memory flood gates of my first car & the “cologne” like smell that it had had when I bought it. I was tempted to buy this new car last week just for the smell & pleasant memories it gave me of my very first car I ever bought! Enjoy your day in the SITS spotlight.

  35. Happy SITS Day!
    The smell of roses remind me of funerals. the odor of Pencil shavings reminds me of that awful stuff the janitor always sprinkled on vomit at school. Great post!

  36. Hi from SiTS! SMells that trigger memories for me are Old Spice (Grandfather), lilacs (grandmother)… and tons more that I can’t think of right now.

  37. Oh, yeah! Smells….it’s amazing how intertwined our memories are with smells. There are certain flower smells that instantly take me back to my great grandma. I think she used an avon cream that smelled like this flower…and it wasn’t roses. Right now I can’t remember…I think it’s lilacs. Anyway…I loved her best and in a whiff I can be right beside playing Old Maid.

    Then there is fried chicken frying….takes me back to morning sickness. I couldn’t eat chicken for about 7 months of that pregnancy…and when I did eat chicken near the end of my pregnancy it had to be covered in sauce…and NOT fried.

    Lysol and ginger ale take me right to barf bugs. My mom would come in my room and spray every single time…and it took me years and years before I could spray lysol in my house. (I think I bought a different scent…)

    There are many more….hmmm, thanks for sharing this post. Now I am going to go sit and think about smells for a while. 🙂

  38. Chicken cooking made me want to throw up when I was pregnant with my first, but never did. It would’ve made life easier if I could just hurl.

    Tide will always remind me of growing up and fresh clean clothes.

    Early morning has a crispness that takes me back as a teenager when I use to attend an early morning class!

  39. The smell of coffee reminds me of Sunday lunch at my grandma’s house. I hate that smell. I would have to sit outside on the swing until it went away

  40. I have Lysol issues too… but not quite as intense! Such a fun post – I just had to come by from SITS to see a post with the title “now smell this”

  41. Burts bees apricot oil reminds me of all my babies – I’ve used it on all the kids when they were babies!

  42. your last two fragrances………college, circa 78-82, my two fragrances of choice.

    Most Johnson’s baby products and Dreft….when my babies were small.

    White Shoulders–my mom always wore it when my parents were going out to a party…..not often.

    Pine Sol…….ick, my aunt over used it in her bathrooms, it still makes me sick.

    coconut oil………reminds me of Hawaiian tropic sun tan oil, no sunscreen……but in the 70’s and 80’s it’s what all we sunbathing/precancerous loving girls were using. I’m reminded of a roof of a dorm at the University of Missouri………great scent!

    Stopping by from SITS, your blog is very nice!!

  43. The one that pops into my mind is the smell of the NICU soap. My husband and I would come home after leaving our sweet newborns at the hospital and sniff our hands b/c that reminded us of them. There was no baby powder smell but there was soap. Ahhh, I still love that smell and always use some when we see specialists for the boys.

  44. My biggest smell memory is walking in Albertsons pregnant with my first son and smelling bleach from the meat department. To this day if a store smells like this I cover my nose and RUN!

  45. With this pregnancy, I cannot handle men’s cologne. There is a parent at the school where I work who BATHES in it. Each time I walk by, I am running to the bathroom.

  46. FAVORITE: My cupcakes when they are done frosting 🙂 and my fiance’s shirt mmmm haven’t sene him in a month 🙁

    WORST SMELL: cat poop. dog poop. CILANTRO IS THE WORST SMELL EVA! barf. ok this is getting gross, but there are lots of nasty smell things 🙂

    Happy SITS Day!!!

  47. I love Tide! The original smell because back in the Philippines, Tide was the best laundry bar any medium income household can buy and it was always just a real treat to side that wavy bar, scored into four smaller bars. When you smell it or break it off, it’s just heavenly and you can almost smell how clean your laundry would be!

    I buy the big box in Costco and each scoop still takes me back.

    Thanks for a great jog down memory lane…

  48. The one that comes to mind right now is Clearasil face wash. It has a very distinctive smell that carries me right back to all the fun times I had the summer between 8th grade and 9th grade. Or was it 7th and 8th? Regardless, it was summer and it was fun. And apparently I had bad skin.

  49. When I was pregnant with my first, the smell of anything bbq made me sick; I like it now okay, but not as much as before the pregnancy. When I was younger, my sister threw up after drinking strawberry soda – I don’t really care for any of those artificially flavored sodas like grape, orange, strawberry, etc. but I do like the real fruits. On a better note, I grew up on the beach, so I love the smell of coconut-scented lotions, shampoos, etc. like Hawaiian Tropic. I just close my eyes and dream I’m home on the beach in Florida.

  50. My nose and I get ourselves into real trouble!! It has almost ended my marriage…I think everything is spoiled and my husban doesn’t! I have to have only downy dryer sheets, and I don’t care if they are more expensive..I’ll give up buying food instead! I also smell shampoo before buying…it has to smell right or I won’t buy it!!
    Smell On!

  51. Great post…memories are often triggered for me by smells. There’s a shaving lotion that an old boy friend used to wear. I don’t know what it was, but occasionally I will pass a man wearing it….and it brings up….some very nice memories.

    Suntan lotion does the same thing.

  52. Hmmm….. Baby powder makes me think of all of the children I use to watch when I was in high school. I always put it on the little ones when I changed them.

  53. I am the SAME way. Everything I smell brings back memories. Airfresheners remind of of the houses I’ve been to who where using that kind at the time. Food is a big one. Everything.

  54. I love the smell of campfires. Takes me back to all those camping trips I took as a kid…and to this day, I still offer one marshmallow to the gods of the perfect embers over every campfire.

    And Happy SITS Day!

  55. Bleach! It makes me think of the woman who babysat me when I was little. Her house always smelled like bleech, especially the kitchen. I now do the same thing in my kitchen, cleaning counter with bleach. It just doesnt feel clean to me without it!

  56. My mom wore Anais Anais when I was little… she even sprayed it in my “Pat the Bunny” book when the flowers page stopped smelling. My dad always called it “Anus Anus” as a joke… that’s prob why she switched to Beautiful! Hah!

  57. I’m terrible at this commenting-about-something-specific stuff. It’s like calling someone and getting caught off guard by the answering machine and you just sit there like a deer caught in the headlights. I never know what to say.

    So I will say this: Congrats on being the featured blogger on SITS today!

    – Margaret

  58. I hate the smell of ranch dressing, but it takes me back to highschool.

    Perfume reminds me of my first roommate, who wore too much.

    Lilac reminds me of my MIL, who loves the scent and has it in all her soap.

    Fun Post!

  59. Oh I’m so with you on the sniff test. I can’t buy anything without prior approval. Fortunately my memories aren’t so… numerous, or I’d be in trouble 🙂

  60. The smell of clean laundry reminds me of an apartment I had in Fayetteville, Georgia. The dryer ducts faced the breezeway, so I enjoyed the fresh scent of clean clothes whenever I approached my unit.

  61. My husband says I have Bionic nose. Smells remind me of everything! I can totally relate.

    I hate the smell of Aspin Colone for men! HATE. IT. When I was 16 a boy I liked thought it would be funny to pour it on me. I smelled for days. He was also my first kiss — which was HORRIBLE and I never wanted to kiss again. Two words: Windmill. Tongue. The thought still sends shivers down my spine!

  62. I can’t really think of a smell that makes me sick right off the top of my head….

    oh, yes I can. Broccolli. Have you ever smelled rotten broccolli?


  63. That is really neat that so many scents bring back such vivid memories! For some reason whenever I hear the “Andy Griffith Show” theme song, I get really nauseous and I have to turn it right away. I’m thinking that I suffered something awful during this show but have suppressed the memory :):):):) Now I’m trying to think of scents that might bring back memories for me!

  64. Caress body wash reminds me of EFY both as a counselor and a participant. Churros used to remind me of Disneyland, but I’ve had them enough now that that’s not the case anymore. But plenty of tastes remind me of home. When I’m feeling especially homesick – being 1,600 miles away from family – I make food my mom likes… like pb&j with creamy pb and grape jelly, served with fritos or oatmeal.

  65. I once spent 7 weeks with my Aunt and uncle in Slovenia. She made goulash. It had these weird bread balls thing in it that were guishy. I hate soggy bread. I had to eat it to be polite. I was ill the entire night. The next day we went to Vienna and would you believe what they were cooking at the Schonbrunne Palace that day (we happened to pass the kitchens in our tour of the grounds) …. goulash. The smell, or even just the thought of that goulash, makes me nauseous to this day.

    What a great thought provoking post!

  66. BBQ grills, the charcoal kind, always take me back to my childhood. Peanut Butter and Jelly always remind me of eating PB&J, smashed with a little dirt crunched in, at the Motor Cross track.

  67. Hmm. I guess I’m just not a smell girl. I don’t have any specific smells that trigger anything, not even my Mom’s perfume. I wear it now and then hoping it will remind me of her, but it just doesn’t. Happy SITS day.

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