Historic Day…


For us, every Monday night is Family Night.  We usually have a short lesson, sing songs, play games, and have  a treat.  Sometimes I’m well prepared and the evening goes smoothly and sometimes I’m flying by the seat of my pants.  It’s much more effective and enjoyable when I’m prepared though.

I was thrilled when, as I was scrolling through my daily blogroll, I came upon Sally’s post on Inauguration Day.  I love Sally.  She is smart, funny, kind, and organized.  She’s put together a family night game plan that I plan to use tonight.  I was so thrilled that I wanted to share her post with anyone who might be looking for a way to share this historic day with their kids.

Happy Martin Luther King Monday!

4 thoughts on “Historic Day…”

  1. As the recent song goes, “It’s a New Day.” I’m so looking forward to watching Obama take the Oath of Office tomorrow! I’ve got a renewed feeling of optimism, and I have to say that my patriotism meeter is rigt off the charts!

  2. We usually have family night on Saturdays because Matt is usually home that night. Unfortunately, it’s been so cold, he hasn’t made it.

    Enjoy your family night tonight, we watched the concert on HBO last night and it was wonderful.

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