Happy Inauguration Day…


Last night to prepare for this historic day our family discussed a little politics, a bit of history, some social issues and found a few random facts about Barack Obama.

Did you know:

  • His favorite meal is wife Michelle’s shrimp linguini
  • He plans to install a basketball court in the White House grounds
  • He drives a Ford Escape Hybrid, having ditched his gas-guzzling Chrysler 300 SUV
  • He promised Michelle he would quit smoking before running for president – he didn’t
  • He is left-handed – the sixth post-war president to be left-handed
  • He has his hair cut once a week by his Chicago barber, Zariff, who charges $21
  • His favorite artist is Pablo Picasso

We all seem to have plenty of ideas of what President Obama should do once he’s sworn into office:




And of course we talked about Martin Luther King Jr. and the significance of these two historical figures.


Happy Presidential Inauguration day!

12 thoughts on “Happy Inauguration Day…”

  1. I loved this post. Love the ideas for Obama’s first actions.

    It was such a great discussion for the whole family when we did our FHE and this is just such an exciting day!

  2. I love the thoughts of little ones.

    My 3 year old told me that she was supposed to have “Brock BAMA” at her school today. WOW, she is lucky!

  3. I liked the kids suggestions. I agree with a lot of them. I gave you an award. Check out my Monday blog. You are terrific with lots of great ideas. You deserve many awards!

  4. What a great activity! I think my favorite ideas are: tractor beams, less school hours and soldier clones — was that Jack’s?

    Have a happy day!


  5. Hey, thanks so much for stopping by!

    I really like the “Do not shoot people or kill people”! Ha hahaha! Thats too funny!
    All the answers were great, what a fun activity!

  6. annie valentine

    This post is awesome. “Tell people not to litter” and “Invent a tank with tractor beam”. If he would employ a cabinet of elementary kids this country could make a rapid turn around.

    You’re a very good mother.

  7. Pingback: Here Comes Obama and Joelle « Regarding Annie

  8. Wow-a weekly haircut, eh?
    I’ll be honest, there’s something to be said for a man whose favorite meal is cooked by his wife. And the wife who will make it for him. 🙂

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