A Perfect Night | Danville Lifestyle Photographer

It’s been a LONG week.

Since moving here a little over a week ago, I’ve been seriously multitasking.  Unpacking boxes, and boxes, and more boxes.  Discovering that we didn’t thin out as much as we should have and now have a garage full of boxes that shall not be unearthed again until we move out in a year or so.  Filling the house with enough food and toilet paper to sustain us this week.  Driving back and forth to Target for rugs, toilet bowl cleaner, and drawers for underwear.  Settling the four kids into three schools, none of which offer buses to or from school.  Consequently spending most of this week in the car picking up, dropping off, and waiting for kids eight times a day!  Not kidding.  And failing to find and pay misplaced bills.  You’ll be happy to hear that we do have cell service once again thanks to an understanding customer service representative.

So, when I found myself with an evening and a television to myself, I had take a picture.  My oldest two are at the football game, one with his dad and one with her friends.  The two little boys are having a movie night in my bed.  And I am catching up on the episodes of Parenthood and Modern Family that I missed during the move, thanks to Comcast’s fabulous On Demand.

After a crazy week, a perfect night!

danville california photographer

2 thoughts on “A Perfect Night | Danville Lifestyle Photographer”

  1. Dearest Wenderful, Is it too late for you to change your mind and come back to Idaho? I just don’t feel right without knowing that you’re in my state. I’m so glad that you are settling in and praying for lots of serenity for you my friend. xoxoxo

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