Duct Tape and Sunrises…

Congratulations to Shannon, Cricket and Jennifer for winning my giveaway.  Some handmade fun will be in the mail by tomorrow!

As I was rereading my new years resolutions post, something jumped out at me.  I realized I used two words together that really have no place sharing the same post.  It happened when I said;

I’m printing off my list (which included being more CRAFTY) on an actual piece of paper and DUCT-TAPING it to the fridge

The nerve of me!! !! To think that while I was supposed to be concentrating on using adorable, trendy, and archival paper along with acid free glue dots and breathtakingly beautiful embellishments, the first thing to pop in my head when considering a source of adhesive was…DUCT TAPE!  Ughhh!

When I recognized the error of my ways, I decided to not only adhere my list in some fashion to a place I often find myself, but to go one step further and CREATE something better than just a list.

To launch my resolution to become more crafty, I created this:


I adhered it to my bathroom mirror (with a suction cup) so I can see it every morning and every night before I go to bed.  It will remind me of what I haven’t accomplished (most days) and on the occasion that I actually worked on one of these goals, I hope it will make me smile.  (And it involved zero duct tape)

On a role I’ve been. On a roll.

I also made one of these banners for our workroom.  My mom and sister both have one in their craftrooms, and it looked fairly easy to make,  so it was actually my first craft project of the year.  A way to get my craft feet wet, so to speak.  If you don’t already have one, they’re simple to make (take it from me) and add a little bit of sunshine to a room.  And who doesn’t need that during the dark and dreary month of January?




And if that isn’t enough to pull you out of the winter doldrums, this is the view I had while driving home from dropping the kids off at school this morning.  It was such a magnificent color that I had to take a picture.


Happy Thursday!

19 thoughts on “Duct Tape and Sunrises…”

  1. I love your little goal reminder! It is so cute! What a great way to be reminded… it really is darling and your banner is cute too! You have so busy crafting! I love it!!

  2. One of my favorite signs that I saw on a front door was ‘Martha Stewart does not live here’. She doesn’t even visit over at my house. Some day though.. 🙂

  3. You are becoming so crafty! I can’t wait to see all of the projects you are making with you Crickut (sp?). Those are very cute. I can’t believe you made them so fast. Wow!


  4. I love your goals reminder. It is sooo cute. You too are crafty. Keep it up. When you decided to give away one just like it, I sign up for the first one. Your pennant is in the mail. Love you

  5. Way to go!!

    I need to make a goals reminder… I love how you made it cute!

    That sunset is amazing. God is pretty crafty too, no? 🙂

  6. You are a crafty one! Great ideas! I will have to make myself one of those banners, we are expecting another 4″-8″ of snow tomorrow and I’ll need something to cheer me up!

  7. I love it … very crafty.

    The banner is very cool too. Your work room looks so neat and clean. My arts and crafts table that the girls use looks like it’s own little masterpiece that only a mother could love 😉

  8. I LOVE that banner! I always wanted to make one like that for my kids’ room. Makes the whole room look cheery!

    And that sunset—oh my! Gorgeous!

    GOod luck with the resolutions!

  9. THA has to be one of the best and pettiest new years resolutions out there!!

    Love the banner too…

    And the sunrise….well…ahhh (I just posted one of those too)

    Thanks for visiting and your GREAT comments…I’m going to have some fun checking out your blog now!

  10. Can I pay you to make one of those for me?? I bet I would actually accomplish more resolutions if I had something that cute to look at. Adorable…
    Love the flags, too. I will totally copy it all someday. Maybe my crafty year can be next year after you do all your stuff this year for me to imitate! You are wonderful, Wenderful–

  11. And Congrats are also in order for you! You’re a Grand Prize Winner in our Great New Pop’rs New Years Giveaway!! Please drop by my place today for the details, OK?

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