Fifty-two Fridays: Week 19 | Bay Area Photographer

This week’s assignment was to choose a song and design an album cover to go with it.  When I first found out about the assignment I was super excited!  But as the assignment loomed closer, I started to get anxiety.  First of all, there are SO many songs to choose from.  And second of all, I really wanted to do something unique instead of recreating something that’s already been done before.  I struggled with ideas all week.  Finally, as I was flipping through Vanity Fair magazine, I saw an ad for Cole Haan that I loved.  I combined that with what I learned from Shannon Sewell’s workshop last weekend and the inspiration I was lacking finally hit me.  I stayed up until the wee hours one night creating the backdrop on my white seamless paper, recruited my daughter and a friend to model for me, and created this shot.  I knew I wanted to use a Mindy Gledhill song and California was the perfect inspiration for my idea.

To hear the song, click HERE.

Pack your bags and lock your door
I’ll take you places you’ve not been before
All I’ve ever wished to do is
Travel through this life with you


If ever there was a week not to miss the circle, it’s this one.  Next stop, Val Spring | Red Balloon Photography Seattle Portrait Photographer.  I really can not wait to go through all of these myself!


Happy Weekending!

23 thoughts on “Fifty-two Fridays: Week 19 | Bay Area Photographer”

  1. love your inspiration! your daughter is just crazy gorgeous! perfection! can’t wait to see more of your ss inspired posts!

  2. Couldn’t be any more perfect, Wendy! Love the song and album….just darling! You spent a LOT of time on that backdrop. I hope to see it more.

  3. So very creative and I love your background to pieces and even more because you did it yourself! Amazing! And off course the styling, the models, the props. Perfection! Love coming to visit your blog!

  4. first… awesome, second… awesome… third… oh yeah…awesome. love the back drop, love the interaction between Miss M and her friend. love the simplicity and emotion. awesome.

  5. Pingback: Travelin’ | Bay Area Photographer « Wendy VonSosen Photography

  6. Pingback: Bay Area Photographer | Fifty-two Fridays | Broken « Wendy VonSosen Photography

  7. Pingback: Bay Area Photographer | Fifty Fridays | Week 21 « Wendy VonSosen Photography

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