Fifty-two on Friday: Week 16 | Bay Area Photographer


What a perfect theme for the start of Spring and the Easter season!

I won’t tell you how many takes it took to get something “happy”  I will admit to bribery though.

It may be spring but this day was cold, she was tired, she was hobbling around getting used to her crutches, and I dragged her out into the late afternoon sun anyway.  Cruel, I know.  The lengths we go to to get “the shot”.


To find out more about this Fifty-two on Friday project, take a look over HERE.


Bay Area senior photographer


Follow the link to Kelsey Anderson Las Vegas Photographer to see her take on this week’s Pastel theme.  If you keep clicking the links under each post, you’ll eventually find yourself right back here.

Wishing everyone a Joyous Easter Weekend!



16 thoughts on “Fifty-two on Friday: Week 16 | Bay Area Photographer”

  1. Beautiful pastel colors Wendy, she is so gorgeous! And I am all about bribery, except a sucker probably doesn’t work for you anymore but so grateful it still works for me!

  2. Pingback: Fifty-two Fridays: LIGHT | Bay Area Photographer « Wendy VonSosen Photography

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