Fifty-two on Friday | Week 11: Game

  Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!

J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan)


I will never get tired of the imagination these two have.  They play for hours and hours together pretending.  I will be sad when this time of wonder ends for them.

Bay Area Childrens Photographer


Please stop by the fabulous Kelsey Anderson | Las Vegas Photographer to see her take on this week’s theme.

24 thoughts on “Fifty-two on Friday | Week 11: Game”

  1. Pingback: Gretchen Davis, Modern Family Photographer

  2. Oh Wendy. This is beautiful! Makes me excited to see my own boys get bigger – we are such fans of Peter Pan… swoon.

  3. Wendy, this shot is a perfect shot of something you want to last a life time. I am also laughing at your twitter message. I need a cheeseburger as well! Take me with you!

  4. oh! i recognize these swords! weve been through a few. guaranteed, with theyre “big boys” this will be be hanging in their home 🙂

  5. Wendy this is perfect. Like seriously perfection I am in love w/ this shot. I think you need to blow it up and put it in your house to remind us of the innocence of youth, perfect!!!

  6. Pingback: Fifty-two on Friday: Week 12 | Bay Area Photographer « Wendy VonSosen Photography

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