Friends, Fifth-wheels, and Unagi

Yeah!  Our good friends from California meandered their way past the farmsteads and pastures to visit us this weekend.  We gave them a tour of our “quaint” town and talked, and talked, and talked.  It was wonderful.  We hope the ruralness  didn’t  scare them too much and that they’ll come back again.


What does a date night consist of when you live where we do?  Sometimes we trek out to the big grocery store and stock up for the week.  Anti-climatic, I know.  But practical.  Sometimes we do the typical dinner and a movie.  No matter where you live, I think a cinema can be found, even around here.  And sometimes we pick up chinese  food and watch the latest Netflix movie.

This weekend we decided to forego the norm and do something more befitting our locale.

We hit the local RV Show!


We saw pop-up campers, swanky cruise buses, tear drop campers, toy haulers, fifth wheels, luxury travel trailers, and even some tent trailer hybrids.  There were deals to be made and cheesy salesmen to make them.  But in the end we decided we could stay in some pretty nice hotels many times over for the price we’d have to pay to sleep in the same spot we’d spent all day traveling in.

So we left the world of RVing behind, hopped in our Tahoe and went out for sushi.

imagesHappy MLK weekend!

10 thoughts on “Friends, Fifth-wheels, and Unagi”

  1. How fun!!!! You know… The Keystone Outback is the trailer I was trying to talk Jeff into and I see you in a photo with one! I can’t believe you didn’t buy anything (lol).

    Sushi sounds fun. Glad you had fun with your friends!


  2. Where did you go for sushi? You must have been in the big city. 🙂

    The first RV show I went to was in Pleasanton and it was so much fun. I don’t know why it was so fun. People-watching, the amazing and over-the-top vehicles, everything. We had a pop-up camper when I was growing up and I loved it. I would love to have one now.

    The Dana’s look happy, you must’ve shown them a good time.

  3. We went out for sushi this weekend, too…and a movie. Imagine that!

    Now the RV show sounds splendid. I’ve never thought of that on a date night 🙂 We have the same belief system – no RV’s. Just think of the nice places we can stay with that money! Sometimes I think it might be fun, but then I think of the dirt and mud work…no thanks! You can always rent!

  4. Hope you guys had a great visit. When is your sis due to have her baby? Is that when you’ll head back this way for a visit?

  5. I grew up with an RV, it was a lot of fun as a kid, but I wouldn’t want one, so much work (and gas!).

    By the way, you’re very pretty and your family is just GORGEOUS!

  6. Hey! Those are the same type of dates that we go on too! I LOVE them. Sometimes I feel a little guilty about calling dinner at McDonald’s & a trip to Costco a date, but when you throw in the occasional RV show it’s all good!

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