Mason: Class of 2011 | Boise Senior Photographer

For my very last senior session before we left Idaho to move to Danville, California, I was super excited to shoot this guy.  Mason has it all.  He’s a football and basketball superstar.  He has mad skillz on the wakeboard and mountain bike.  His smile is killer.  He has the most amazing mom (wink, wink Dana). And he is one of the nicest kids I have ever met.  Is it any wonder I was stoked to do his senior pictures?!

Mason, I know you will go far in life and I’m excited to hear all about it.  Continue being who you are and enjoy the rest of your senior year! Mwah!

7 thoughts on “Mason: Class of 2011 | Boise Senior Photographer”

  1. I seldom comment of images of Senior guys because I normally don’t like them and I really don’t like shooting them. With a camera that is. I struggle and struggle with the Senior guys and then I visit your blog and see these!!! WOW, these images inspire me to try to be a better Senior photographer. You got it nailed lady!

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