Pick up Lines


We’ve been married almost 16 years.  I think we’re both in it for the long haul.  Some days I find myself reconsidering.  But for the most part we’ll probably stick it out.

Why, then, does my husband feel the need to come up with and test out new pick up lines on me all the time?

It’s not like there’s any question where I’ll end up at the end of every day.

“Sorry Honey, I really can’t come up for a nightcap.  It’s getting late.  I best be gittin’ on home.”

And, as far as I know, he isn’t practicing these lines to use on coworkers since not a single woman works in his office.

Maybe it’s his way of adding a little spice to the marriage.  Role-playing (on his part) perhaps.

Whatever it is, my usual response is a patient rolling of the eyes and a snarky critique of said pick-up line.

“Neh, I wouldn’t go with that one. That’s a little too 1989.”

And lest you think these are witty little gems, here’s the one he tried out this evening as he was lying on the couch watching 24 and the evening news and I was catching up on Facebook updates, emails, and blogs:

Come to bed with me and I’ll show you a stimulus package.

Eye roll.  Snicker. Not bad.

And here I sit blogging while he’s fast asleep in bed.

Happy Monday!

10 thoughts on “Pick up Lines”

  1. Oh my goodness, that is so funny! The one from tonight was pretty good, lol. And my husband does the same thing, I kid you not.

    He loves to lay on the cheesy-ness that is pick up lines. It’s pretty funny, even though I do the same roll of the eyes.

    Gotta love em!! 🙂

    I also sit here finishing up my night while hubby is in bed fast asleep. Poor guys!

  2. LOL! I came from SITS today and I must say….it was worth it! You have a funny husband and lovely kids!
    Hope you have a good day!

  3. Oh good, someone else’s husband does the same thing!!

    His recent one was;

    Husband: “Are you going to sleep on your stomach tonight?”

    Me: “I don’t know.”

    Husband: “Can I?”

  4. That’s hilarious! I truly am laughing out loud, albeit quietly (notice the time). I think I’ll try that line out on Steve – he wouldn’t know what to think.

  5. My husband loves to get cheesy too.

    And if I hear “stimulus” from anyone else’s mouth, I am going to give them a knuckle sandwich.

  6. Pingback: funny pick up lines for husband | Share4you blog

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