Print out those Photos! | Danville Photographer

I mentioned The Cave in my previous post.

It’s our temporary home while we wait to see IF the economy turns around enough to sell our house in Idaho so we can buy something other than The Cave here in California.

Anyway, The Cave is needing a little TLC, a little hominess, a little something.

As I placed an order last night for a client, I did something I haven’t done in a very long time.  I actually had a handful of my very own personal images printed.  GASP.  I haven’t done that in I don’t know how long.

There are currently hundreds, perhaps thousands of my very own personal images sitting on my hard drive collection virtual dust.

That’s just wrong.

So I had them printed and they should arrive here tomorrow.

Now the question is:  What am I going to do with them all?

So, I emailed the craftiest person I know, my sister Tatertotsandjello and asked her to find me some system of hanging these photos.  I don’t want to use frames because that is just a hassle.  And I want to be able to switch them out every month or so.

She sent me some fabulous ideas and I found some fabulous ideas, so I thought I’d share all this fabulousness with you!

Behold, the fabulousness:

From Parallel 39. I like this idea.  Anyone know where I can buy clipboards in bulk?

From Buttons by Lou Lou.  This might be my favorite.  I love the simplicity of it.

Isn’t this fun?  Not sure I have the time or patience but maybe someone would volunteer to do it for me!

This is a great idea from Apartment Therapy, one of my favorite design sites, even just for Christmas cards.  So simple and the possibilities are endless.

This one, from How About Orange,  involves framing so it automatically doesn’t win but I still love it.  Maybe when we aren’t living in The Cave.

This is awesome!  Another Apartment Therapy find.  A little too country for me but what a cheap and easy way to display snapshots!

I love this too.  Unlike my sister, I’m SO not crafty and the idea of creating this from scratch gives me hives.  But I’d love to have it, just not make it.

This can be found on my sister’s blog today.  Great idea for photos and cards.  Anyone want to make this for me?  Because you know I won’t be crafting anything…

If you have any other fabulous ideas, leave me a comment.  I’d love to see what you’ve got!

I’ll be working on this little project this weekend and will post the results here.

Take my lead and print out some of those pictures that are gathering virtual dust on your own hard drives.  You will be happy you did!!!

10 thoughts on “Print out those Photos! | Danville Photographer”

  1. Awesome! I love the clipboard idea and especially love the 3 rows of wire ‘clothesline’… I have the perfect spot for that in my house and a 5 year old who creates endless drawings to display 🙂

  2. I will help you hang your photos if you come help me hang some at our house! I love all those ideas!
    Seriously, when are you coming over???

  3. hey Wendy! not sure how I stumbled here…but I am here! I am a photog, born & raised in san ramon, now living in tx. I always like finding other photogs close to home!! just wanted to say hi, love your work & adore this post! 🙂 have a wonderful weekend!

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