Sugar Coma | Danville Photographer

I finally got around to baking today.

I’m exhausted.

But we now have the appropriate amount of sugar on hand for the holidays.

I made yummy salted caramels from Baked Bree’s blog.  She is phenomenal.  If you haven’t been hooked by her wonderful blog, you have never visited it.  Go take a look-see and tell me I’m wrong.

I also tried her pretty Lemon Wreath cookies.  If you like lemon, these are TDF!

To round out the sugar coma,  I made chocolate peppermint cookies.  What’s not to like about chocolate, peppermint and butter cream frosting?  Absolutely nothing.

(These happen to be the first pictures of “The Cave” I’ve published on the blog.  They may be the last.  Don’t judge.  It’s a rental)

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