These pictures I take , for posterity's sake…

Things we did this week:

Took one 4 year-old with me to a church meeting dressed (all day long) like this:


Decorated the house with a little Valentine Spirit:


“Helped” Ralf and the boys make this cake for the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet.


Cheered with the elementary kids as the Special Olympics Torch Run came through town.





But spent many hours writing and rewriting my first ever article for a monthly column I’ll be writing for our little local paper.   More on that to come.

Now, if I could just stop eating “two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun…”

(But the day old frosting is the perfect mix of crisp on the outside and creamy on the inside.  GAH!)

Happy Friday!!!

13 thoughts on “These pictures I take , for posterity's sake…”

  1. Sounds like you have been having so much fun. I can’t believe I missed the giveaway. I need to visit you more often! I just lose track…

    That cake is awesome! I think I will make on for my hubbies birthday! He will love it! Now only if I can pull it off as cute as yours… hmmm…

  2. I’m glad I can refer to your blog for at least part of our family’s history, since we do so many of the same things! I loved the hamburger cake!

    I had to laugh the other night at Enrichment when Ralf came to take pictures of you. As he was leaving with Eric and Will in tow, I saw some black fabric flowing out underneath Will’s coat. I figured it was a Jedi costume! It’s fun to see the whole get-up. I love that kid!

    Libby had a pajama party in school yesterday, and ended up at the community event at the High School that evening – still in her pajamas! I just had to sigh and laugh!

  3. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog. I also really enjoy The Blogger Buffet. You both have inspied me so much that I have started a Recipe Blog. Not as charming as Blogger Buffet but my friends are excited that I am doing it and it has gotten off to a good start. I have even ‘borrowed” a couple of recipes from the blogger buffet. Please let her know she is more than welcome to come on ver and borrow from me….LOL

    Really glad I found you when I was out blog cruising,or as my son likes to call it…blogger stalking.

    Check out my new blog.

  4. I love the cake! I saw it up on Ralf’s facebook page.
    And Will’s mittens really perfect the whole Jedi costume. He is such a FUNNY little kid. I wish I got to see him more!

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