Time's Up!


You ladies sure have given this chore system a lot of thought!  Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with me.

I’ve read and reread all the comments.  I researched all the links.  I’ve made lists and tallies and charts.  And I’ve come up with a system to try.  For now.  It’s a little of everything rolled into one.  We actually put it to the test yesterday.  A trial run I guess you’d say.  And lo and behold:

It worked!

My house is all shiny and sparkly and clean with minimal complaining!  I will enjoy it while it lasts.  And if my system is still working in a couple of weeks, I’ll be pleasantly surprise, but more importantly, I’ll post it here.

And we have a winner!

After numbering all your comments, and plugging those numbers into Random (dot) org, here’s what I got:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-02-05 15:38:11 UTC

Congratulations Jessica!

Mrs. Meyers will be paying you a visit very soon.

Thanks again for playing along and sharing a bit of homemaking genius with me.

Oh, and just so you know I wasn’t exaggerating about the sock problem we have going on in our house, take a look at what I found on my 7 year-old’s feet when he got home from school yesterday:


Poor Poor kid!

I guess I’m off to Target to stock up on some essentials.

Happy Thursday!

8 thoughts on “Time's Up!”

  1. At least they don’t have any holes!! I went to bed w/a clean house too, but it was all me and it was 10pm when I was done. Please let me know what works best for you!!!

  2. Is that Jessica, as in ME, Jessica?!

    Well, that is just so fun.

    My husband is the one who loves cleaning products, so maybe this will be my super romantic Valentine’s gift to him! =)

  3. Congrats to Jessica and your clean house! That is something I’ll have to get to … after my nursemaid shifts are over.

    Mismated socks are the style lately aren’t they??

    I have a 6 qt. Sterilite tub full of my mismates waiting for their partners to show up… I loved your poem. Thanks for sharing!

  4. stopping by from sits.

    i love your tag line, “something to do instead of laundry.” i’ve enjoyed reading around your blog!

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