What-in-the-Heck Wednesday


Caught on my Flip camera at the local sports store the other day

Woo hoo!



I was beginning to wonder where I was gonna get myself a hand gun.

14 thoughts on “What-in-the-Heck Wednesday”

  1. Ah yes, as the saying goes: “God created man and Colt made them equal.” What a funny sign – hurry, get one now!

    Now if only WalMart would carry them I could get some cheese, gummy bears, camo pants and a hand gun all in one trip.

  2. I think with the whole “Obama taking away your right to bare arms” rumor going around that people are a little freaked out. I know that in St. George there was a knock-out, drag-down fight over ammo… strange.

  3. Lol, meeeeeeeeee too!! What a coincidence!

    I’ll just have to mosy on over to your neck of the woods to get me one of them thar hand guns. Cause over yunder I ain’t seen any adverTISEments.


  4. Hmmmmm, that is a little strange…..

    Thanks for calling last night. We went down to the gelato shop for a birthday sugar fix!


  5. See, my crazy brother should look at this. It would give him hope. He’s sure the government is secretly pulling all weapons and ammunition off the shelves. He also thinks all doctors secretly steal your organs and sell them on ebay. And he’s not joking.

    Maybe if he had electricity and running water he’d be a little less skittish.

  6. Hey that is so cute about Will and Avery, lets hook them up!! ha ha, Utah was fun, we have to play ticket to ride europe, when can you play?

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